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Fingerprint Encrypter

1,000+ downloads

About Fingerprint Encrypter

Fingerprint Encrypter is a simple, leightweight and open source file encryption app, which uses your fingerprint to access the encryption key on your device.

The app stores its cryptographic key locally on your device, protected with your fingerprint. This imposes some restrictions:
- Decrypting an encrypted file on another device will not work
- Deleting the app or clearing the apps data will destroy that key, making a decryption of already encrypted files impossible
- Cryptographic keys can only be stored securely on your device, if a secure lockscreen is enabled - disabling such a lockscreen will automatically destroy the key

The app does currently not delete the original files after an encryption! You might want to do that manually if you don't want anyone having access to those.

Fingerprint Encrypter Screenshots