Enig'Maths Ortho niveau 3 icon

Enig'Maths Ortho niveau 3

Éditions JOCATOP
1+ downloads

About Enig'Maths Ortho niveau 3

Enig' maths - Ortho • Level 3 allows you to work on problem solving in a simple and progressive way, by setting up mathematical rituals.

Content :

The case contains 90 illustrated tables in A4 format.
Each table offers a situational problem around 5 main categories:
• numbers and calculation;
• logic ;
• measure ;
• tables and graphs;
• space and geometry.

Manipulatives (to be photocopied and cut out) are also available on the back of each problem.
The video-projection application allows you to project problem situations, add notes, hide or highlight elements via the graphic toolbox. Sheets allowing to break down the problem situations, as well as the answer keys are also available and printable.

Use :

Present a sheet and invite the patient to observe the problem situation carefully. Then ask him to express what he sees, what he understands, what he will have to look for.
The question is read, in order to validate his hypothesis. The patient is then invited to reflect and formulate a reasoned response.
The answer is then checked. If the answer has not been found, the process will be explained and the sheet to be proposed again during another session in order to leave the patient in a research situation.

Objectives for the patient:

• Develop deductive skills.
• Locate on a map.
• Develop observation, logic and argumentation.
• Give meaning to numbers.
• Mobilize acquired knowledge to resolve complex situations.
• Rely on different visual aids to work on reality and its representation.
• Face complex puzzles to learn how to search.
• Implement problem solving procedures.
• Address shapes and volumes using specific vocabulary.

Use :

Present a sheet and invite the patient to observe the problem situation carefully. Then ask him to express what he sees, what he understands, what he will have to look for.
The question is read, in order to validate his hypothesis. The patient is then invited to reflect and formulate a reasoned response.
The answer is then checked by returning the card. If the answer has not been found, the process will be explained and the sheet to be proposed again during another session in order to leave the patient in a research situation.

Enig'Maths Ortho niveau 3 Screenshots