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About NutzungsPlaner

The management of our forests is to develop through the general objective structure richer mixed stands, become more complex. Moreover, the growth course of our stocks often differs from the old planning fundamentals, the yield tables, such as those are stored in the app "use planning in pure stands" from.

With the use planners of practitioners in the field can assess on his smartphone or tablet using masses that he should refer in pure and mixed stands if he wants to manage the stock according to the new recommendations of the NW-FVA to basal area at staggered crown thinning. In addition, the inventory data and the use of approaches for later processing in the office can be saved.

An example will illustrate the application: In a 70-year-old beech-spruce mixed stand covers an area of ​​24 m² / ha and a top height of 25m was measured for the beech. For spruce, the corresponding values ​​were 10 m² / ha and 29m. First, the app user selects the button again, so that all old data will be deleted. He then presses the "Row +" and enters the mask to enter the tree species. He then enters the appropriate values. He has thereby also the possibility of the respective layer and blend shape hold. After each entry will appear on the main screen is a row for the input tree. For the missing spruce the App user repeats the process. With each new inventory line of the mixing ratio, the stocking and the proposed usage amount are recalculated. In the example, the stock has a stocking of 1.1 and it should be 47 m³ / ha beech and 29 m³ / ha Spruce be removed. The values ​​are based on the assumption that the mixing ratio is kept constant. The user can also modify and delete, by clicking on them again entered the tree species line. Are all stock lines detected, so the proposed usage amount can either be accepted or changed interactively own estimation. The values ​​can use the button "save as" to be stored in the SQLite database the app, which is located in the directory "/ fTools" on the sdcard named "nutzungsplaner.db". The database file can eventually be transferred to your own PC and processed with other programs via email, a cloud (Dropbox, OwnCloud) or a data cable. For the inspection and handling of SQLite file especially the free Firefox add-on SQLite Manager is recommended. With the Option button the option menu can be activated at any time, whether it be to the Help call or to end the active app.

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