Use planning in pure stands is still often carried out today on the basis of yield tables. This app enables the forester, the forest judge and the forest students to carry out such planning in the forest. With the app you can rate a stock, determine the degree of tillage and get a usage recommendation for a 10-year planning period. In addition, the app shows the interpolated or extrapolated yield table values for the solid wood mass and the growth. The following yield tables for Germany are available:
Oak, beech, spruce, Douglas fir, pine Albert et al. df. NW-FVA
Oak with Df. Jüttner, Erteld
Red oak farmer
Beech with Df. Schober, Dittmar
Hornbeam Lockow
Ash Volquardts
Sycamore Nail, Lockow
Winter linden tree Böckmann
Black cherry Röös
Sand birch Schwappach, birch Tjurin, downy birch Lockow
Black Alder Mitscherlich, Red Alder Lockow
Spruce m.Df. Wiedemann, Fichte Wenk et al (fast, medium slow system)
Sitka spruce racks
Silver fir Schmidt, silver fir Hausser
Douglas fir m.Df. mEN Bergel
Douglas fir strong Bergel
Pine with D.f. Wiedemann, Kiefer Lembcke
Strobe corner stone
European larch m.Df. Schober, Japan Larch m.Df. Rusack
Austria: tablets from Eckmüllner, Marschall
France: Tables de production pour les forêts francaises, ENGREF Nancy
Application: Select the desired yield table and whether you want to use the peak height H100 or the for the assessment. Enter the age, the height and the stand area. Define the target stocking level (ZB). Press the button calculate. Below that appear the linear inter- or extrapolated yield table values for the creditworthiness of your stock (yield class), the tillage level (B. degree), growth (iV) and the stock (V) of your stock, as well as the maximum usage quantity (Va) for a 10-year-old Planning period. The usage amount results from the reduction of the stock to the target stocking rate plus the solid wood amount of the exiting stock in the planning period. In the case of under-stocked stands, the tree species oak, beech, spruce and pine are reduced in growth (ZR) (see Kramer 1982, page 33). For all other hardwood species, the growth reduction of the beech and for the coniferous species that of the spruce applies. In short: Use = (ZR * (GWL2 -GWL1)) - (ZB * V2 - V1). If the result is a negative value, the value 0 is output. All data are hectare values. The usable mass is given in cubic meters with bark. Note: Not all yield tables allow rating according to the H100. You will then receive an error message. If the tables need to be extrapolated, they will be given a note advising caution. You can also hide the keyboard by pressing the Return key on the keyboard.
If you press the options menu button on your phone, three buttons appear with which you can open this text, set the displayed yield tables and close the app. You can display the individual yield tables using this help menu. The above-mentioned yield tables are stored. The many new boards do not necessarily make working in the field any easier, so you can choose which boards you want to appear in the Chooser. You can also determine the order. To do this, call up the options menu with the option button and select Set panel. With the position number you determine the display. Position number 0 means the board is not selected and cannot be used for land use planning. A number greater than zero results in the position in the selection list, for example position 1 means the first position in the selection list. A placement number can be used multiple times.
Oak, beech, spruce, Douglas fir, pine Albert et al. df. NW-FVA
Oak with Df. Jüttner, Erteld
Red oak farmer
Beech with Df. Schober, Dittmar
Hornbeam Lockow
Ash Volquardts
Sycamore Nail, Lockow
Winter linden tree Böckmann
Black cherry Röös
Sand birch Schwappach, birch Tjurin, downy birch Lockow
Black Alder Mitscherlich, Red Alder Lockow
Spruce m.Df. Wiedemann, Fichte Wenk et al (fast, medium slow system)
Sitka spruce racks
Silver fir Schmidt, silver fir Hausser
Douglas fir m.Df. mEN Bergel
Douglas fir strong Bergel
Pine with D.f. Wiedemann, Kiefer Lembcke
Strobe corner stone
European larch m.Df. Schober, Japan Larch m.Df. Rusack
Austria: tablets from Eckmüllner, Marschall
France: Tables de production pour les forêts francaises, ENGREF Nancy
Application: Select the desired yield table and whether you want to use the peak height H100 or the for the assessment. Enter the age, the height and the stand area. Define the target stocking level (ZB). Press the button calculate. Below that appear the linear inter- or extrapolated yield table values for the creditworthiness of your stock (yield class), the tillage level (B. degree), growth (iV) and the stock (V) of your stock, as well as the maximum usage quantity (Va) for a 10-year-old Planning period. The usage amount results from the reduction of the stock to the target stocking rate plus the solid wood amount of the exiting stock in the planning period. In the case of under-stocked stands, the tree species oak, beech, spruce and pine are reduced in growth (ZR) (see Kramer 1982, page 33). For all other hardwood species, the growth reduction of the beech and for the coniferous species that of the spruce applies. In short: Use = (ZR * (GWL2 -GWL1)) - (ZB * V2 - V1). If the result is a negative value, the value 0 is output. All data are hectare values. The usable mass is given in cubic meters with bark. Note: Not all yield tables allow rating according to the H100. You will then receive an error message. If the tables need to be extrapolated, they will be given a note advising caution. You can also hide the keyboard by pressing the Return key on the keyboard.
If you press the options menu button on your phone, three buttons appear with which you can open this text, set the displayed yield tables and close the app. You can display the individual yield tables using this help menu. The above-mentioned yield tables are stored. The many new boards do not necessarily make working in the field any easier, so you can choose which boards you want to appear in the Chooser. You can also determine the order. To do this, call up the options menu with the option button and select Set panel. With the position number you determine the display. Position number 0 means the board is not selected and cannot be used for land use planning. A number greater than zero results in the position in the selection list, for example position 1 means the first position in the selection list. A placement number can be used multiple times.
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