Bjsoft Marketing icon

Bjsoft Marketing

Bán József
1+ downloads

About Bjsoft Marketing

In the application, you can quickly access the most important Bjsoft Marketing websites with one touch
(; You can quickly switch between addresses
toggle by tapping the "Next" and "Previous" buttons. Just a touch and you're there!
You can also access the primary e-mail address of Bjsoft Business via the e-mail icon
you can get more information.

The application provides a quick and convenient way to access more relevant Bjsoft Marketing websites
(TKR 16 Online:; Bjsoft 17 Business:
to achieve or one of my email addresses can be found in it.

Of course, we can write the exact addresses for ourselves (but of course
you can also type Bjsoft Marketing or Bjsoft 17 in the Internet search engine, which is already
quite close to our destination) so that we can have instant access to the essentials anywhere
For Bjsoft Marketing Websites.

If you tap the displayed web address, you are already there and all its features are instantly
you can also use it. You don't have to type the address into your internet browser or search engine because
in Bjsoft Marketing, it's just a touch away., which contains a complete description of the software, is available everywhere in Bjsoft Marketing
my website, which can help you solve any of our problems.

The BjsoftMarketing application (BjsoftMarketing.apk [BjsoftMarketing.aab]) is
With Android Studio 4.0.0 and Android Studio 4.0.1 on Windows 10
I made. I tested and used with Android 9, Android 10 and Android 11 respectively.
I still use it.

Bjsoft Marketing, Cammi, TitKok, Tkrcoin,,
Bjsoft Business, Bjsoft Online, Bjsoft Marketplace, TKR Shop and Bjsoft Store
knowledge management and web store software uses the engine of the opencart web store.

It is the user's responsibility to comply with all applicable copyright laws.

(C) 1983 - 2022 József Bán. All rights reserved. Bjsoft, Bjsoft 366, TKR, TKR 366,
vTKR, TKR 10, TKR 11, TKR 12, TKR 13, TKR 14, TKR 15, TKR 16, TKR Store,
TKR Free Shop, TKR Plaza, tkredia, tkrdroid, VISZK, VISZKBT, TKRICT, TKR Shop,
TKR Web Store, TKR Store, TKR Store Company and Studio, TKR Software, TKR Advertisement,
tkrads, banjozsef, TKR Online, Bjsoft Web Store, Bjsoft Online, TKR Online Account,
TKR APP, Bjsoft Store, Bjsoft Free Shop, Bjsoft Business, Bjsoft Business CRM,
Bjsoft Business CMS, Bjsoft Business PPS, Bjsoft Business ERP, Bjsoft Marketplace,
Tkrcoin, TitKok, Cammi and Bjsoft Marketing are trademarks of József Bán.

Windows 10 from Microsoft, Android and Android Studio from Google, while
opencart is a trademark of OpenCart.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners
they can be.

Original, not copied !!!

Bán József - Hungary - 9436 Fertőszéplak, Szent Imre utca. 14.