In the application, you can quickly access my TKR Store online store with one touch
( Store ). Just one touch and you're there!
Of course, we can also write down the exact address (but of course the
you can also enter TKR Store in the internet search engine, which is quite close
takes us to our destination ) so that we can access the TKR Store immediately anywhere.
If you touch the displayed web address, you are already there and immediately access all its functions
you can also use You don't need to type the address, just a touch on the web address is enough.
My website, which contains a complete description of the software, is available everywhere in the webshop,
which can provide additional help in solving any of our problems.
It enables the purchase of your own TKR Store License and the launch of my TKR Store web store
application ( TKRStore201910211Licence.apk [ TKRStore201910211Licence.aab ] )
I made it with Android Studio 4.0.1 on the Windows 10 operating system. With Android 11
I tested and used or I'm still using it now.
The opencart web store is the knowledge management and web store software that is available and usable everywhere
use your engine.
Compliance with all applicable copyright laws is the user's responsibility.
(C) 1983 - 2022 József Bán. All rights reserved. Bjsoft, Bjsoft 366, TKR, TKR 366,
vTKR, TKR 10, TKR 11, TKR 12, TKR 13, TKR 14, TKR 15, TKR 16, TKR Store,
TKR Pláza, tkrpédia, tkrdroid, VISZK, VISZKBT, TKR Shop, TKR Web Store,
TKR Shop, TKR Store Company and Studio, TKR Software, TKR Hirdetés, tkrads,
banjozsef, TKR Online, Bjsoft Web Store, TKR Online account, TKR APP,
Bjsoft Store and Bjsoft Shop are trademarks of József Bán.
Windows 10 is a trademark of Microsoft, while opencart is a trademark of OpenCart.
Other products and company names mentioned or available are trademarks of their respective owners
they can be.
Original, not copied!!!
József Bán - Hungary -
( Store ). Just one touch and you're there!
Of course, we can also write down the exact address (but of course the
you can also enter TKR Store in the internet search engine, which is quite close
takes us to our destination ) so that we can access the TKR Store immediately anywhere.
If you touch the displayed web address, you are already there and immediately access all its functions
you can also use You don't need to type the address, just a touch on the web address is enough.
My website, which contains a complete description of the software, is available everywhere in the webshop,
which can provide additional help in solving any of our problems.
It enables the purchase of your own TKR Store License and the launch of my TKR Store web store
application ( TKRStore201910211Licence.apk [ TKRStore201910211Licence.aab ] )
I made it with Android Studio 4.0.1 on the Windows 10 operating system. With Android 11
I tested and used or I'm still using it now.
The opencart web store is the knowledge management and web store software that is available and usable everywhere
use your engine.
Compliance with all applicable copyright laws is the user's responsibility.
(C) 1983 - 2022 József Bán. All rights reserved. Bjsoft, Bjsoft 366, TKR, TKR 366,
vTKR, TKR 10, TKR 11, TKR 12, TKR 13, TKR 14, TKR 15, TKR 16, TKR Store,
TKR Pláza, tkrpédia, tkrdroid, VISZK, VISZKBT, TKR Shop, TKR Web Store,
TKR Shop, TKR Store Company and Studio, TKR Software, TKR Hirdetés, tkrads,
banjozsef, TKR Online, Bjsoft Web Store, TKR Online account, TKR APP,
Bjsoft Store and Bjsoft Shop are trademarks of József Bán.
Windows 10 is a trademark of Microsoft, while opencart is a trademark of OpenCart.
Other products and company names mentioned or available are trademarks of their respective owners
they can be.
Original, not copied!!!
József Bán - Hungary -
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