The Osare application was created as a tool of the AIDA project - Agricultural Information and Dissemination Actions funded under Regulation (EU) no. 1305/2013 - Rural Development Program 2014-2020 of the Tuscany Region - Submeasure 1.2 - Support for demonstration activities and information actions.
The app contains a self-assessment checklist aimed at farmers and technicians for each thematic macro-area of the project: Business creation, Diffusion of innovation, Cross-compliance, Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "WATER", Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "SOIL", Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "ENERGY", Biodiversity and landscape, Information to forestry sector companies.
Once the checklist of the thematic macro-area of interest has been completed, feedback is obtained in the form of a summary evaluation response. Information material in the form of documents, links and videos is also available on the app for each thematic area.
Further information on the AIDA project is available on the project website:
The app contains a self-assessment checklist aimed at farmers and technicians for each thematic macro-area of the project: Business creation, Diffusion of innovation, Cross-compliance, Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "WATER", Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "SOIL", Agri-environmental measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change "ENERGY", Biodiversity and landscape, Information to forestry sector companies.
Once the checklist of the thematic macro-area of interest has been completed, feedback is obtained in the form of a summary evaluation response. Information material in the form of documents, links and videos is also available on the app for each thematic area.
Further information on the AIDA project is available on the project website:
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