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About JoggerLoggerPro

Records speed, distance, maps your route, graph your speed, automatic lap timer, calculates kcal burn adjusted for your bodyweight.
It also store these data in a file for your later studies, or download.
Records in metric(kilometres) or imperial(miles), km/hr or mph, as of your choosing.
Has an adjustable interval mode for short sprints with in-between rest periods. Notifies start of sprint with single bell and end of sprint with double bell.
Automatic Lap Timer (adjustable to any track, with sound notification of lap number)
Display your recorded data of a day in a graph, visualising your speed and average speed for a more there and then informative view.

Delayed Start feature for clipping on your mobile or storing it away in a pocket.

JoggerLoggerPro let's you also display a days travels on a map on the local device, mapping out the route taken/walked/jogged/travelled. Good for answering that question; where did you go.

What really sets JoggerLoggerPro apart though is it's ability to store the position data in the cloud, where you (or others of your choosing), via a weblink, can easily display your latest position on a map. The link comes in 2 versions. Firstly one that just displays the latest recorded location, for your loved ones to keep a friendly eye on you. Later also a route display.
Handy also for everyday use. Sample have you ever wondered what shop/pub your partner disappeared into on your trip to town. Now you can find out. Just ask him/here to turn on the JoggerLoggerPro on their mobile before they set off, and you can get their latest position mapped on your mobile by clicking on the link. Handy if they are, talking to somebody else on the phone, to "busy" to answer the phone, or can't hear it in a noisy place.

You can also monitor the position of up to 8 friends (if you need more GroupTracker is the app for you). You can get a list of their position, distance from you, course you have to take to get to them, and you can place them all together or individually on a map.

Web recording interval is adjustable from 1 minute up to 24 hours and do not affect the locally recorded data.

JoggerLoggerPro assumes that your device have a gps and that it is enabled. You will also need some form of external storage, like an sd card. On some devices with more than 1 sd card it would use the internal one. All files are stored in a folder structure

If you are unsure if JoggerLoggerPro will work on your device, first try the free product JoggerLogger. If that works, JoggerLoggerPro will work.

For more info on this or our other apps, please visit our website:
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-- is a maker of several different apps within Social, Tracking, Exercise and Marine: Loggers, Trackers, Messengers, Event Organizers, Shift Displayers, Encrypters  
Find out all about them on our website


All Apps by
ChatS - encrypted messenger for secure communication via self created keys - FREE
JoggerLogger – record your run, graph your speed, share on Facebook – FREE
JoggerLoggerPro – adds Lap Timer, Delayed Start, Map of Route and Finding Friends
GroupTracker – find your friends – FREE Trial for minimum 30 days
ActionReporter – records speed, g-force, altitude, % incline, direction - FREE 
WannaPubCrawl – ultimate party/event organizer/advertiser w/advanced invitation options  
WannaGreet - automated greeter for scheduled sending of greetings/meessages
MarineLoggerPlus – records your trip with distance, course, speed, displays path on map
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JoggerLoggerPro Screenshots