Boms - addictive Card Game for 2,3 or 4 players w/Ranking Tables.
Multidevice distance playing.
JOIN a game w/ random players or CREATE your own game and invite others to FIND. After registering Boms will after a few seconds auto-enroll you in your first game.
Boms is not for they who uninstall an app if nothing immediately happens. You will be gaming with others and need to wait untill they join / make a play. It will make a sound when it's your turn.
Target is to get rid of all your digital cards first to become President. The last one with cards (the looser) becomes Boms and gets to shuffle/deal the next round.
Game creator will do the first shuffle and deal.
There are hourly updated League Tables where you can see how you are doing compared to other players.
The displays are designed especially to make it easy to learn and play Boms,
Boms is played by 2, 3 or 4 players.
One of the players shuffles and deals the cards to the other players; 16 each if 2 players, 17 if 3 and 13 if 4. Shuffling and dealing is automatic, but you decide on a combination of methods and orders to mix things up and make it a game of skill.
The player with 3 of Diamond starts.
He/she must play the 3 of Diamond but can combine with more cards of the same value.
The next player has to either match that value with the same number of cards,
or lay out a higher value, but still must match the number of cards.
Values ranks (from low to high): 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-Jack-Queen-King-Ace-2
When no other player can outdo the last play (signalled by playing “pass”) the table is finished, the cards goes to the stack and the last player to lay card(s) on the table starts again.
There are 2 special card/combinations:
3 of Clove and 6x3 that knocks out anything and sends table to the stack.
If all 4 colors of a value are on the table, table goes to the stack.
Sample player1 plays two fours and then player2 also plays two fours.
After a game is finished the app will automatically set up for a new game where the last Boms becomes the new dealer that decides on mix of cards and deal. The first player will be the last President. Card swaps are included.
Own cards are displayed in White, Playable cards are coloured Yellow and selected cards gets the colour Green.
You can at any time play Pass if you don't have any playable cards, or to keep them for a better opportunity later.
Multilingual: English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Hindu and Arabic.
For more info on our apps:
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GroupTracker – find your friends – FREE Trial for minimum 30 days
ActionReporter – records speed, g-force, altitude, % incline, direction - FREE
WannaPubCrawl – ultimate party/event organizer/advertiser w/advanced invitation options - FREE
WannaGreet - automated greeter for scheduled sending of greetings/messages - FREE
MarineLoggerPlus – records your trip w/ distance, course, speed, displays path on map
MarineChimer w/shift display, chimes every ½ hour like a Ships Bell - FREE
MarineAwake - Auto-repeating alarm w/notification options to keep you alert and awake - FREE
LoopDeLoop - Audio Recorder that play in a loop; MultiTrack Guitar Looping Pedal - FREE
Boms can be played by a whole device fiddling family
combining into direct socialising.
Rankings: President, VicePresident, ViceBoms, Boms
This game is known by many names like:
Hoop, Kings, Capitalism, Caps, Man of the House, Janitor, Landlord, Warlords, Rich/Poor Man, Hierarchy, Daifugo, Daihinmin, Pimps and Hoes.
Multidevice distance playing.
JOIN a game w/ random players or CREATE your own game and invite others to FIND. After registering Boms will after a few seconds auto-enroll you in your first game.
Boms is not for they who uninstall an app if nothing immediately happens. You will be gaming with others and need to wait untill they join / make a play. It will make a sound when it's your turn.
Target is to get rid of all your digital cards first to become President. The last one with cards (the looser) becomes Boms and gets to shuffle/deal the next round.
Game creator will do the first shuffle and deal.
There are hourly updated League Tables where you can see how you are doing compared to other players.
The displays are designed especially to make it easy to learn and play Boms,
Boms is played by 2, 3 or 4 players.
One of the players shuffles and deals the cards to the other players; 16 each if 2 players, 17 if 3 and 13 if 4. Shuffling and dealing is automatic, but you decide on a combination of methods and orders to mix things up and make it a game of skill.
The player with 3 of Diamond starts.
He/she must play the 3 of Diamond but can combine with more cards of the same value.
The next player has to either match that value with the same number of cards,
or lay out a higher value, but still must match the number of cards.
Values ranks (from low to high): 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-Jack-Queen-King-Ace-2
When no other player can outdo the last play (signalled by playing “pass”) the table is finished, the cards goes to the stack and the last player to lay card(s) on the table starts again.
There are 2 special card/combinations:
3 of Clove and 6x3 that knocks out anything and sends table to the stack.
If all 4 colors of a value are on the table, table goes to the stack.
Sample player1 plays two fours and then player2 also plays two fours.
After a game is finished the app will automatically set up for a new game where the last Boms becomes the new dealer that decides on mix of cards and deal. The first player will be the last President. Card swaps are included.
Own cards are displayed in White, Playable cards are coloured Yellow and selected cards gets the colour Green.
You can at any time play Pass if you don't have any playable cards, or to keep them for a better opportunity later.
Multilingual: English, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Hindu and Arabic.
For more info on our apps:
Other Apps by
ChatS - encrypted messenger for secure communication via self created keys - FREE
ChatSy - as above, but without ads for increased security
JoggerLogger – record your run, graph your speed, share on Facebook – FREE
JoggerLoggerPro – adds Lap Timer, Delayed Start, Map of Route and Finding Friends
GroupTracker – find your friends – FREE Trial for minimum 30 days
ActionReporter – records speed, g-force, altitude, % incline, direction - FREE
WannaPubCrawl – ultimate party/event organizer/advertiser w/advanced invitation options - FREE
WannaGreet - automated greeter for scheduled sending of greetings/messages - FREE
MarineLoggerPlus – records your trip w/ distance, course, speed, displays path on map
MarineChimer w/shift display, chimes every ½ hour like a Ships Bell - FREE
MarineAwake - Auto-repeating alarm w/notification options to keep you alert and awake - FREE
LoopDeLoop - Audio Recorder that play in a loop; MultiTrack Guitar Looping Pedal - FREE
Boms can be played by a whole device fiddling family
combining into direct socialising.
Rankings: President, VicePresident, ViceBoms, Boms
This game is known by many names like:
Hoop, Kings, Capitalism, Caps, Man of the House, Janitor, Landlord, Warlords, Rich/Poor Man, Hierarchy, Daifugo, Daihinmin, Pimps and Hoes.
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