This App allows for the estimation of the flight turn radius of an airplane, in metres, taking into account:
-the bank angle;
-the aircraft stall speed;
-the safety speed factor - sets a margin above the stall speed;
-the density altitude (altitude, QNH and temperature).
The calculations are valid for coordinated level turns in still air (no wind).
The calculations do not account for the finite rate-of-bank (roll-in and roll-out).
This App is for ground training only. It is NOT suitable for flight planning.
-the bank angle;
-the aircraft stall speed;
-the safety speed factor - sets a margin above the stall speed;
-the density altitude (altitude, QNH and temperature).
The calculations are valid for coordinated level turns in still air (no wind).
The calculations do not account for the finite rate-of-bank (roll-in and roll-out).
This App is for ground training only. It is NOT suitable for flight planning.
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