educational application designed from the Mass Media Campaign for prevention project
of youth violence and drug abuse, implemented by the Foundation for Autonomy and
Development of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua -FADCANIC- seeking awareness
and mobilizing families and communities for the prevention of violence
Waspam, Bilwi, Bluefields, Pearl Lagoon, Mouth of Rio Grande and Managua,
Suitable for the whole family but designed for people between 13 and 30 years old
that they require timely, relevant information to help awareness,
awareness for the prevention of violence and drug use. A reflexion
for the change in attitude that starts from the individual, their daily actions in
family, school, community to promote a culture of peace and well-being
It seeks to provide information in a dynamic and attractive way that allows generating a
Self-assessment using 4 applications:
"That you know you": A test with basic questions on violence against women,
domestic violence, ESCA, new masculinities, among others. It consists of 4 levels
compounds 15 questions, that as to be correctly answering
It goes beyond the level with greater complexity.
Test addictions: Based on the ASSIST test validated by the WHO (World Health Organization
Health), allows a personal analysis of potential risk or degree of
dependence on addictive substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine or
tranquilizers. You will answer a series of 8 questions that will help you meet and
assist you. It can be done up to 5 times this test because the questions are different.
The result will be used to seek professional help if you find yourself at risk.
Alphabet Soup: This time to bring traditional and never old fashioned alphabet soup but
with the novelty of being in two Nicaraguan Caribbean indigenous languages (Miskito and
Ulwa), in Spanish and English. The words may be formed are concerning
issues of violence prevention, drug use and positive attitudes towards
change. Also you prune expand your vocabulary in 4 languages!
Directory assistance: you find information on institutions and organizations working in the
prevention, information and care in cases of drug use, youth violence,
Violence against women, violence in the home, trafficking in persons, sexual abuse,
street harassment, commercial sexual exploitation and bullying.
At the beginning of the directory you can select your municipality and the problem for which you need
help; followed by it you will get a list of organizations working this topic
with their addresses and telephone numbers. Podes dial the number
phone the organization as a first step to seek support and help
prevent violence and addictions personal and community level.
If your security or personal or family health is at risk you are invited to act, not
you are single or alone. Also you prune confidence to approach people in your community,
social promoters or authority that gives you support. Change now, just do it.
of youth violence and drug abuse, implemented by the Foundation for Autonomy and
Development of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua -FADCANIC- seeking awareness
and mobilizing families and communities for the prevention of violence
Waspam, Bilwi, Bluefields, Pearl Lagoon, Mouth of Rio Grande and Managua,
Suitable for the whole family but designed for people between 13 and 30 years old
that they require timely, relevant information to help awareness,
awareness for the prevention of violence and drug use. A reflexion
for the change in attitude that starts from the individual, their daily actions in
family, school, community to promote a culture of peace and well-being
It seeks to provide information in a dynamic and attractive way that allows generating a
Self-assessment using 4 applications:
"That you know you": A test with basic questions on violence against women,
domestic violence, ESCA, new masculinities, among others. It consists of 4 levels
compounds 15 questions, that as to be correctly answering
It goes beyond the level with greater complexity.
Test addictions: Based on the ASSIST test validated by the WHO (World Health Organization
Health), allows a personal analysis of potential risk or degree of
dependence on addictive substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine or
tranquilizers. You will answer a series of 8 questions that will help you meet and
assist you. It can be done up to 5 times this test because the questions are different.
The result will be used to seek professional help if you find yourself at risk.
Alphabet Soup: This time to bring traditional and never old fashioned alphabet soup but
with the novelty of being in two Nicaraguan Caribbean indigenous languages (Miskito and
Ulwa), in Spanish and English. The words may be formed are concerning
issues of violence prevention, drug use and positive attitudes towards
change. Also you prune expand your vocabulary in 4 languages!
Directory assistance: you find information on institutions and organizations working in the
prevention, information and care in cases of drug use, youth violence,
Violence against women, violence in the home, trafficking in persons, sexual abuse,
street harassment, commercial sexual exploitation and bullying.
At the beginning of the directory you can select your municipality and the problem for which you need
help; followed by it you will get a list of organizations working this topic
with their addresses and telephone numbers. Podes dial the number
phone the organization as a first step to seek support and help
prevent violence and addictions personal and community level.
If your security or personal or family health is at risk you are invited to act, not
you are single or alone. Also you prune confidence to approach people in your community,
social promoters or authority that gives you support. Change now, just do it.
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