SW Nepal Address icon

SW Nepal Address

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About SW Nepal Address

SW Nepal Address is an experimental addressing system for Nepal which provides an encoded address using latitude and longitude. It is not a new concept but tried to put it in simple way so that it can be communicated easily.

20.33947.69263 NP => 85.33947E, 27.69263N

20 - Is the grid zone number. Each grid of 1 x 1 degree is assigned a number. Nepal has 28 zones
33947 - Is the Longitude decimal degree
69263 - Is the Latitude decimal degree

The coding system is accurate to about 1m. This can be used for house addressing and locating assets such as electric poles and manholes.

This app provides an alternative addressing system to alphanumeric codes. Numeric code is better than alphanumeric and can be shared easily. There are 12 digits which makes it similar to a typical mobile phone number. The code is not to remember but to share it via various medium. The google code for above address is 7MV7M8VQ+3Q7 and what3words is "celebrate.extend.inspects" which is not so easy to communicate for a common Nepalese citizen.

Please provide your suggestions to improve and implement this. Similar implementation can also be done for other countries.

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