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Немецкий разговорник

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About Немецкий разговорник

English-German phrasebook contains a minimum of words and phrases necessary to Russian citizens traveling to Germany. The purpose of a phrase book - to help those who do not speak the German language, for business or leisure trips abroad.
The phrase book includes the most commonly used words and phrases. They are grouped by thematic sections: "Welcome and meeting", "Znakomstva", "On the border", etc.
* Welcome and meeting.
* Znakomstva
* About myself
* On the border.
* In the city.
* Numbers.
* Days of week and time.
* In a hotel.
* Journey.
* Entertainment, recreation.
* Restaurant.
* On my way.
* Purchases.
* Taxi.
* Apologies and thanks.
* Months and seasons.
* The doctor, pharmacy.
* Everyday words and phrases.
* Adjectives
* Colors
* body
* Professions
* Phone conversation
* Bank
* Appointment
* Colors
The phrasebook includes 2 test allows to absorb the material better.

Language German, Austrian, Liechtenstein and most of the Swiss, the official German language in Austria, Liechtenstein, one of the official languages ​​of Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium [15]. He is one of the world's most widespread language after Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, English, Spanish, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese. German - one of the official and working languages ​​of the European Union and other international organizations.
German Phrasebook is an easy and fun new way to learn German.

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