İtalyanca konuşma rehberi(PRO) icon

İtalyanca konuşma rehberi(PRO)

10+ downloads

About İtalyanca konuşma rehberi(PRO)

The main purpose of the application, he needs to speak Turkish to Italian
to offer the possibility to use in basic areas.
In this application the Italian knows at a certain level for the first time at the beginning
Be able to benefit.
Practice consists of 15 main sections.
You do not have to be online, you have the opportunity to use this sentence at any time.
Whether in a foreign country, whether at school, or in a space tourist, Italian everywhere you need,
Italian Speaking Guide will solve your problems and will improve both your language.

Part of the application:

-Merhabalaş And Match
Meet you and Match
on arrival;
-Daily Words and phrases
-G Days and times
-In hotel

İtalyanca konuşma rehberi(PRO) Screenshots