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Pratik İngilizce Konuşma Kılav

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About Pratik İngilizce Konuşma Kılav

The main purpose of the application is that Turkish speakers need English
to provide the opportunity to use at basic levels.
Those who know English at a certain level are also the ones who started
Be able to benefit.
The application consists of 24 basic parts.
You don't have to be online, you can use these sentences at any time.
There are more than 1000 commonly used expressions and phrases in the application.
Wherever you need English, whether in a foreign country, in a school, in a tourist location,
The English Speaking Guide will solve your problems and improve your English.
Parts of the application:
-Merhabalaş Up
meet you on
on arrival;
in -Şehir
- Days and Time
-In hotel
-Spare time
Daily expressions
Weather forecast
Rica and request
love lyrics
English proverbs
English idioms

English Turkish and Turkish - English online dictionary available.
The Text to Speech feature for pronunciation must be active on your phone.
No Internet Connection required.
Start speaking with a 100% free Speaking Guide.
You can use it as an English learning program. (Oline Dictionary) is a good opportunity to learn and practice.

English is spoken by 1.8 billion people worldwide. English is now called the international language, communication language or the world language. The English; it has become a necessity in many professions. The official language is English in many countries around the world. It is taught as a foreign language in many countries where there is no official language. It is the official language of the United Nations. However, English is also thought to have the potential to produce different languages ​​over time.

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