Refer to the main legislation on the Belgian Criminal with, among others
Criminal Code
Code of Criminal Procedure
Law against eavesdropping
Law criminal organizations
Law to punish corruption
Cybercrime Law
Law punishing graffiti
Criminal law protection of minors
Law against torture
Law against serious violations of international humanitarian law
Law against trafficking, smuggling and slum landlords
Wet electronic monitoring as an autonomous penalty
Crimes of Terrorism Act
Law to punish the insults to the King
Law crimes and offenses against international relations
Wet counterfeit banknotes
Wet incitement to the commission of crimes or offenses
Act hypnotism
drug law
Decree curbing drunkenness and illegal slaughter
Law to curb the illicit work
Law services in a foreign army
anti-racism law
Privacy law
KB Privacy Act
Law to combat trafficking in human beings
Crimes of Terrorism Act
Law to combat piracy at sea
Law against counterfeiting
Law against sexism
Law remand
KB procedure for mediation in criminal cases
Wet identification through DNA analysis
Law serving of sentences and courts
law Salduz
Law temporary restraining orders in cases of domestic violence
Criminal law implementing research I and II (CISA)
Act II Potpourri
Laws on detention
Law internment of persons
Law private and personal safety (law Tobback)
Law intelligence and security
Law analysis of the threat (OCAD)
Wet surveillance cameras
Law community waiting
Law special intelligence methods
KB National Security
Laws on police (WPA, WGP, RPPol, UBPol ...)
Laws on road traffic (Road Traffic, highway code, blood sample, technical requirements, licenses, calibration measuring devices ...)
Wet mitigating circumstances
Military Criminal Code
Law banning private militias
By law to answer
law conscientious
protection of young people
Act financial aid to victims
Protection Act mentally ill
Wet private investigator
Wet monitoring police and intelligence
Law abolishing death penalty
Law criminal responsibility Ministers
football law
Law temporary placement of minors
Law protecting journalistic sources
Weapons Act
KB historic and deactivated firearms
Social Criminal Code
Act security and protection of critical infrastructures
Incivilities (GAS)
Arms Trade Decree
Staff marksman
doping Decree
MB banned list
Decree organizational assistance and services for detainees
Decree healthy and ethical sports
Collaborations communities (doping, criminal and security, electronic surveillance)
Law on the transfer between States
Benelux Conventions on extradition, mutual legal assistance and enforcement in criminal matters
Treaty provision penitentiary in Netherlands
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Convention against Torture
European Convention MLA
Drug precursors
OLAF Regulation
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Convention International Validity of Criminal Judgments
Convention Traffic Accidents
Law enforcement of the decisions of the UN Security Council
Cybercrime Convention
Law cooperation with the International Criminal Court and international criminal tribunals
International Police Act for personal information
Nuclear Terrorism Convention
Convention counterfeit medical products
Convention on trade in arms
> 200 acts in your pocket
Criminal Code
Code of Criminal Procedure
Law against eavesdropping
Law criminal organizations
Law to punish corruption
Cybercrime Law
Law punishing graffiti
Criminal law protection of minors
Law against torture
Law against serious violations of international humanitarian law
Law against trafficking, smuggling and slum landlords
Wet electronic monitoring as an autonomous penalty
Crimes of Terrorism Act
Law to punish the insults to the King
Law crimes and offenses against international relations
Wet counterfeit banknotes
Wet incitement to the commission of crimes or offenses
Act hypnotism
drug law
Decree curbing drunkenness and illegal slaughter
Law to curb the illicit work
Law services in a foreign army
anti-racism law
Privacy law
KB Privacy Act
Law to combat trafficking in human beings
Crimes of Terrorism Act
Law to combat piracy at sea
Law against counterfeiting
Law against sexism
Law remand
KB procedure for mediation in criminal cases
Wet identification through DNA analysis
Law serving of sentences and courts
law Salduz
Law temporary restraining orders in cases of domestic violence
Criminal law implementing research I and II (CISA)
Act II Potpourri
Laws on detention
Law internment of persons
Law private and personal safety (law Tobback)
Law intelligence and security
Law analysis of the threat (OCAD)
Wet surveillance cameras
Law community waiting
Law special intelligence methods
KB National Security
Laws on police (WPA, WGP, RPPol, UBPol ...)
Laws on road traffic (Road Traffic, highway code, blood sample, technical requirements, licenses, calibration measuring devices ...)
Wet mitigating circumstances
Military Criminal Code
Law banning private militias
By law to answer
law conscientious
protection of young people
Act financial aid to victims
Protection Act mentally ill
Wet private investigator
Wet monitoring police and intelligence
Law abolishing death penalty
Law criminal responsibility Ministers
football law
Law temporary placement of minors
Law protecting journalistic sources
Weapons Act
KB historic and deactivated firearms
Social Criminal Code
Act security and protection of critical infrastructures
Incivilities (GAS)
Arms Trade Decree
Staff marksman
doping Decree
MB banned list
Decree organizational assistance and services for detainees
Decree healthy and ethical sports
Collaborations communities (doping, criminal and security, electronic surveillance)
Law on the transfer between States
Benelux Conventions on extradition, mutual legal assistance and enforcement in criminal matters
Treaty provision penitentiary in Netherlands
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Convention against Torture
European Convention MLA
Drug precursors
OLAF Regulation
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Convention International Validity of Criminal Judgments
Convention Traffic Accidents
Law enforcement of the decisions of the UN Security Council
Cybercrime Convention
Law cooperation with the International Criminal Court and international criminal tribunals
International Police Act for personal information
Nuclear Terrorism Convention
Convention counterfeit medical products
Convention on trade in arms
> 200 acts in your pocket
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