Refer to the main legislation on the Belgian Environmental Law, with, among others
- Forest and Field Code and decrees
- Laws and decrees on conservation
- Environmental, noise, waste, animals, sustainable development
- Vlarem, Manure Decree, Drinking Water Decree
- Decree land and property policies, CRAB-decree, Decree Species
- Flemish Zoning Code
- Energy Decree, Hunting Law and decrees
- International protocols (CITES, Kyoto, Nagoya)
and also:
Environmental Enforcement Decree
Wet land consolidation of rural properties
Law combating organisms harmful to plants
Wet land consolidation of land properties amicably
noise disturbance
Law medicated feed
Wet waste throughput
Law concerning the use of hormones
Wet protection and welfare of animals
Law protecting people and the environment against ionizing radiation and FANC
KB import, export radioactive materials
KB safety of nuclear installations
Law on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Law sustainability
Law on product standards to promote sustainable production and consumption patterns and to protect the environment, public health and workers
Act to protect the marine environment in marine areas
Law public access to environmental information
KB prevention and remedying of environmental damage caused by GMOs
Wet weather accountability mechanism
MB identification and registration of dogs
Wet river fishing
Law navigable waterways
Decree groundwater
Environmental Licenses
Decree general provisions on environmental
EIA Decree
Decision public inquiries into applications for planning permission and land division applications
Decree integrated water
decision water test
EIA Decree
Environmental Decision
Decree Flemish Land Bank
soil Decree
Decree Brownfield Covenants
Decree sustainable development
Decision production rules organic production
GDI decree
Decree Deep
Decree genetically modified crops
Decree spatial planning, licensing and enforcement
Decree land
Decree complex projects
Decree environmental permit
GIPOD decree
Type of Damage Decision
breeding Decision
materials Decree
Decree agriculture and fisheries
Wild Animal Disease Decree
KB identification and registration of dogs
conservation Decree
Decree low emission zones
Waals Code of the Heritage (WWROSPE)
W. Housing Code
W. Environmental Code
W. Agriculture Code
W. Code spatial development
Brussels Housing Code
B. Code, environmental crimes and environmental liability
B. Planning Code
B. Code of Air, Climate and Energy Management
Environmental Liability Directive
- on the protection of wild fauna and flora
- detergents
- animal welfare
- on the protection of animals during transport
- the transfer of waste
- REACH chemicals
- emission standards for new passenger cars
- dangerous chemicals
- production and labeling of organic products
- against illegal fishing
- pesticides
- EU Ecolabel
- biocides
- quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs
- reporting greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
- relating to the common agricultural policy
- on the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at airports
- animal health legislation
- farming
CITES Convention
Kyoto Protocol on climate change and Doha
Convention on Biological Diversity
Aarhus Convention on public participation in environmental matters
Regulation of access to information and public participation in environmental matters
International Tropical Timber Agreement
Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and equitable sharing
COP21 Agreement of Paris
> 200 acts in your pocket
- Forest and Field Code and decrees
- Laws and decrees on conservation
- Environmental, noise, waste, animals, sustainable development
- Vlarem, Manure Decree, Drinking Water Decree
- Decree land and property policies, CRAB-decree, Decree Species
- Flemish Zoning Code
- Energy Decree, Hunting Law and decrees
- International protocols (CITES, Kyoto, Nagoya)
and also:
Environmental Enforcement Decree
Wet land consolidation of rural properties
Law combating organisms harmful to plants
Wet land consolidation of land properties amicably
noise disturbance
Law medicated feed
Wet waste throughput
Law concerning the use of hormones
Wet protection and welfare of animals
Law protecting people and the environment against ionizing radiation and FANC
KB import, export radioactive materials
KB safety of nuclear installations
Law on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
Law sustainability
Law on product standards to promote sustainable production and consumption patterns and to protect the environment, public health and workers
Act to protect the marine environment in marine areas
Law public access to environmental information
KB prevention and remedying of environmental damage caused by GMOs
Wet weather accountability mechanism
MB identification and registration of dogs
Wet river fishing
Law navigable waterways
Decree groundwater
Environmental Licenses
Decree general provisions on environmental
EIA Decree
Decision public inquiries into applications for planning permission and land division applications
Decree integrated water
decision water test
EIA Decree
Environmental Decision
Decree Flemish Land Bank
soil Decree
Decree Brownfield Covenants
Decree sustainable development
Decision production rules organic production
GDI decree
Decree Deep
Decree genetically modified crops
Decree spatial planning, licensing and enforcement
Decree land
Decree complex projects
Decree environmental permit
GIPOD decree
Type of Damage Decision
breeding Decision
materials Decree
Decree agriculture and fisheries
Wild Animal Disease Decree
KB identification and registration of dogs
conservation Decree
Decree low emission zones
Waals Code of the Heritage (WWROSPE)
W. Housing Code
W. Environmental Code
W. Agriculture Code
W. Code spatial development
Brussels Housing Code
B. Code, environmental crimes and environmental liability
B. Planning Code
B. Code of Air, Climate and Energy Management
Environmental Liability Directive
- on the protection of wild fauna and flora
- detergents
- animal welfare
- on the protection of animals during transport
- the transfer of waste
- REACH chemicals
- emission standards for new passenger cars
- dangerous chemicals
- production and labeling of organic products
- against illegal fishing
- pesticides
- EU Ecolabel
- biocides
- quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs
- reporting greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
- relating to the common agricultural policy
- on the introduction of noise-related operating restrictions at airports
- animal health legislation
- farming
CITES Convention
Kyoto Protocol on climate change and Doha
Convention on Biological Diversity
Aarhus Convention on public participation in environmental matters
Regulation of access to information and public participation in environmental matters
International Tropical Timber Agreement
Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and equitable sharing
COP21 Agreement of Paris
> 200 acts in your pocket
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