Refer to the main legislation on the Belgian Medical law, inter alia,
Laws and Decrees on medicines, medical data, organs
Health Act
Law on euthanasia, palliative care, health
doping Decree
KB health care professions
Consolidation Act health care professions
Law emergency medical assistance
KB Order of Physicians, organization and operation
Code of medical ethics (deontology)
KB recognition of medical specialists and general practitioners
KB Order of Pharmacists
KB laying teachings for pharmacists
KB recognition of practitioners of the paramedical professions
Law on veterinary medicine
remove Law and transplantation of organs
KB nursing benefits and actions
Law blood and blood derivatives of human origin
KB decrease and treatment of human blood
KB Belgian transplant council
Law unconventional practices in medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health professions
Wet control medicine
Law palliative care
Law patient rights
Law, medical examinations carried out within the framework of industrial relations
Law on experiments on the human person + KB
Law assisted reproduction and the use of surplus embryos and gametes
Consolidation Act on hospitals and other care facilities
Law on the acquisition and use of human biological material
Law compensation for damage arising from healthcare
Law restricting the duration of the training medicine
Law relating to medical devices
Act relating to the marketing of toxic substances, hypnotics, narcotics, psychotropic substances, disinfectants and antiseptics
KB hypnotics, narcotics and risk reduction and therapeutic advice
Regent Decree regulations on storing and selling poisons
Medicines Act
Law protection certificate for medicinal products
KB information and publicity
KB psychotropic substances and the risk reduction and therapeutic advice
KB parallel importation and distribution of drugs
Law Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products
KB Medicines
Part 1 Products for Human Use
Part 2 for veterinary use
Regulation permits for medicines and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
Privacy law
KB general medical file
KB minimum requirements for medical records in hospitals
Law eHealth platform
VI. Decree electronic administrative communications
VI. Decree on the network for the sharing of data between the actors in care
Decree preventive health
Decree primary health care and cooperation between care providers
indoor Decision
Legionella Decision
Decree on care and assistance in home care + Decision
Decision population in the context of disease prevention
MB banned list (doping in sport)
Decree on sports healthy and ethical decision +
Decree network for data sharing between stakeholders in healthcare
Decree risk prevention for health in sport
Decree health promotion
Preventive health ordinance
Regulation Food law, European Food Safety Authority
Regulation authorization and supervision of medicinal products
Food hygiene regulation
Regulation hygiene rules for food of animal origin
Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods
Regulation on food intended for infants and young children
Regulation on clinical trials on medicinal
Regulation concerning novel foods
Convention against trafficking in human organs
Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and crimes that threaten public health
> 100 texts in your pocket
Laws and Decrees on medicines, medical data, organs
Health Act
Law on euthanasia, palliative care, health
doping Decree
KB health care professions
Consolidation Act health care professions
Law emergency medical assistance
KB Order of Physicians, organization and operation
Code of medical ethics (deontology)
KB recognition of medical specialists and general practitioners
KB Order of Pharmacists
KB laying teachings for pharmacists
KB recognition of practitioners of the paramedical professions
Law on veterinary medicine
remove Law and transplantation of organs
KB nursing benefits and actions
Law blood and blood derivatives of human origin
KB decrease and treatment of human blood
KB Belgian transplant council
Law unconventional practices in medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, nursing and allied health professions
Wet control medicine
Law palliative care
Law patient rights
Law, medical examinations carried out within the framework of industrial relations
Law on experiments on the human person + KB
Law assisted reproduction and the use of surplus embryos and gametes
Consolidation Act on hospitals and other care facilities
Law on the acquisition and use of human biological material
Law compensation for damage arising from healthcare
Law restricting the duration of the training medicine
Law relating to medical devices
Act relating to the marketing of toxic substances, hypnotics, narcotics, psychotropic substances, disinfectants and antiseptics
KB hypnotics, narcotics and risk reduction and therapeutic advice
Regent Decree regulations on storing and selling poisons
Medicines Act
Law protection certificate for medicinal products
KB information and publicity
KB psychotropic substances and the risk reduction and therapeutic advice
KB parallel importation and distribution of drugs
Law Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products
KB Medicines
Part 1 Products for Human Use
Part 2 for veterinary use
Regulation permits for medicines and the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
Privacy law
KB general medical file
KB minimum requirements for medical records in hospitals
Law eHealth platform
VI. Decree electronic administrative communications
VI. Decree on the network for the sharing of data between the actors in care
Decree preventive health
Decree primary health care and cooperation between care providers
indoor Decision
Legionella Decision
Decree on care and assistance in home care + Decision
Decision population in the context of disease prevention
MB banned list (doping in sport)
Decree on sports healthy and ethical decision +
Decree network for data sharing between stakeholders in healthcare
Decree risk prevention for health in sport
Decree health promotion
Preventive health ordinance
Regulation Food law, European Food Safety Authority
Regulation authorization and supervision of medicinal products
Food hygiene regulation
Regulation hygiene rules for food of animal origin
Regulation on nutrition and health claims made on foods
Regulation on food intended for infants and young children
Regulation on clinical trials on medicinal
Regulation concerning novel foods
Convention against trafficking in human organs
Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and crimes that threaten public health
> 100 texts in your pocket
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