For almost half a century, those words have introduced and underscored NBC's longest-running drama series. "Days of our Lives," which turns 55 on Nov. 8, 2020, first premiered as a half-hour drama in 1965 and expanded to an hour 10 years later.
The show is currently in its 56th season and remains a consistent favorite among critics and fans alike. "Days of our Lives" airs nationally on NBC in the United States and in over 15 countries internationally.
* Spoilers day
* Spoilers week
* Recaps
* Comings & Goings
* News
* Cast
* Setting font size
* Change light/night
Attention! This is not an official CBS app. All information contained in this application is available on the internet for free.
The show is currently in its 56th season and remains a consistent favorite among critics and fans alike. "Days of our Lives" airs nationally on NBC in the United States and in over 15 countries internationally.
* Spoilers day
* Spoilers week
* Recaps
* Comings & Goings
* News
* Cast
* Setting font size
* Change light/night
Attention! This is not an official CBS app. All information contained in this application is available on the internet for free.
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