The ABC Television Network's Emmy® Award-winning daytime drama, "General Hospital," is both the longest-running scripted drama and the longest-running American soap opera currently in production. One of four remaining daytime dramas, "General Hospital" holds the record for the most Outstanding Daytime Drama award wins, taking home the prestigious Emmy Award a record 13 times. Filmed in Hollywood, California, the show aired its 14,000th episode on February 23, 2018, and celebrated its 55th anniversary on April 1, 2018. Praised by numerous national organizations for elevating public awareness of important health and social issues, including sexual responsibility; HIV/AIDS-related storylines; tolerance and understanding for gay, lesbian and transgender people; bipolar disorder; accurate portrayals of tobacco, drug and alcohol addiction; breast cancer awareness; sexual child abuse and organ donation; the show has truly made a mark during the five decades plus that it has been on the air and paved the way for prime-time series such as "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Good Doctor." "General Hospital" was created by husband-and-wife soap writers, Frank and Doris Hursley, and premiered on April 1, 1963. In 1978, Gloria Monty was brought in as executive producer and is credited with the creation of the first super-couple, Luke and Laura Spencer. Their 1981 wedding brought in 30 million viewers and remains the highest-rated hour in American soap opera history. Frank Valentini serves as "GH"'s current executive producer. Shelly Altman and Chris Van Etten are the show's co-head writers. "General Hospital" airs weekdays on The ABC Television Network.
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