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DIY or DIE Coaching

Alistair Russell

About DIY or DIE Coaching

Are you tired of feeling sick?

Are you sick of feeling tired?

Have you lost your confidence through working on a career or building a family?

Maybe you were raised in an environment that promoted unhealthy eating habits and negative behaviour/emotion patterns that made you use food or things like tv/video games as a coping mechanism?

Maybe you woke up one day and simply wondered where all the extra weight or lack of fitness came from?


AT DIY or DIE Coaching, we break that cycle.

THESE ^^^ are just the tip of the iceberg with what happens inside DIY or DIE Coaching.

We give you the tools, knowledge and support to take back control of your life and health.

Break bad habits and replace them with healthy ones.

Manage your mindset so that when life throws you tough moments, you are better equipped and supported to navigate your way through them, building resilience and discipline in the process so that the next time you are even more independent.

Navigate nutrition, so you know what to eat, when to eat, how to eat in order to support your goal, whatever it may be at that point in your life.

If you are someone who struggles to lose weight and keep it off, or someone who has tried and failed, multiple times to gain any real strength, or someone who is simply lacking the knowledge of where to begin and just wants to get a bit fitter so they can keep up with their kids/grandkids for years to come, then we want to hear from you today!

Lack of knowledge isn't the problem, you can get workout plans, nutrition plans and all the information you need from a simple google search.

Lack of accountability may be a part of the problem and we can certainly help break through that reason in no time so whilst initially that might be valid, it's just another excuse eventually.

Lack of motivation is probably another that you use, but let's be honest, that's been done to death now, be original! Motivation is worthless anyway.

Lack of time is the other most common reason thrown around for people not being in control of their health and fitness. Kids, jobs, caring etc are all valid reasons and priorities... but screen time, bingeing netflix and eating takeaways every week are also contributing towards your current situation.

If you want to know the real reasons that people struggle to manage and maintain their health and fitness, then follow us on social media and hit that download button to get started!

If you want to lead a happier, healthier, stronger, fitter lifestyle with a mindset that is managed, discipline that is dialled in and nutrition easily navigated, then reach out today!

If you are ready to put yourself first, prioritise your health and finally feel confident and fit again, then reach out

* App access requires paid coaching plan
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