The application Meio-Norte Nutri was developed with the objective of being a platform with several modules (different agricultural crops) for evaluation and leaf diagnosis using nutritional balance tools. The first version to be presented was conceived with the creation of a database of crops representative of the Mid-North Region with the analysis of vegetal tissue of the diagnostic leaf (macro and micronutrients) and the survey of the productivity of fields of commercial areas cultivated with soybean (Glicine max) from the states of Piauí and Maranhão - Nutri Meio-Norte: Soybean module. The DRIS (Integrated Diagnosis and Recommendation System) and CND (Nutrition Composition Diagnosis) methods, which relate the nutrients and their interactions, were used for the database with the information mentioned (plant tissue analysis and productivity) presenting indexes of each macro and micronutrient in relation to a reference population, that is, the norms generated come from crops of high productivity, the nutrient balance index or unbalance of the sample is presented, and it is possible to verify the most nutrient excessive or deficient.
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