AppLeite aims to provide a set of technical information based on agricultural research work. This material addresses topics of interest to rural producers and extension agents seeking to improve working conditions, production, increase income and productivity in the dairy industry. All available content is produced by Embrapa specialists, using simple language and vocabulary close to the daily life of producers.
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If you wish to delete your data, visit the link: . Your data will be deleted within 90 days.
In addition, the Leite app provides a "Talk to us" channel to ask questions about the available content, via whatsAPP +55(32) 3311-7473.
Access the privacy policy of this application at this link:
If you wish to delete your data, visit the link: . Your data will be deleted within 90 days.
In addition, the Leite app provides a "Talk to us" channel to ask questions about the available content, via whatsAPP +55(32) 3311-7473.
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