Through this experiment, you will develop practical skills for performing the thin layer chromatography technique through the analysis of clove essential oil. The experiment consists of identifying the major compound in clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum) using thin layer chromatography. This technique allows the separation of volatile compounds from the essential oil through the application of a silica gel chromatoplate (stationary phase) and organic solvents (mobile phase). The compounds present in the oil interact with the stationary and mobile phases and are eluted along the chromatoplate. At the end of the process, the displacement points of the compounds are visualized in the form of bands under ultraviolet light or by applying colorimetric reagents. Each compound will present a specific retention factor, and the comparison of this factor, together with the color of the band, with the eugenol standard allows inferring the presence of this major compound in clove essential oil.
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