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كتاب تويتات من العصور الوسطى

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About كتاب تويتات من العصور الوسطى

I'm not sure I really understand what the tweets are. I know an idea about it and what it looks like, but I do not understand how to make it and the meaning of follow-up, and with this I add it to another demonic invention, Facebook.
I presented a large collection of my short thoughts in a booklet (Burnable Scraps), and it met with considerable success. So it occurred to me to present another set of these scraps here.
I think you will love this collection .. It has a lot of variety, some are sarcastic, some are dark ... some of them are very old I wrote while I was in high school and some I wrote this month. Some are political, some are literary, and some are emotional. This temporal and objective diversity makes the opportunity for you to seize thoughts that appeal to you high .. It is difficult to hate everything, otherwise you hate me very much, I myself or I am so inconceivable.

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