Cuisine du Maghreb -Hors ligne icon

Cuisine du Maghreb -Hors ligne

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About Cuisine du Maghreb -Hors ligne

The Maghreb countries bring together many culinary specialties, each more delicious than the next. Between tagines, couscous or bricks, these fragrant recipes will brighten up your kitchen. To your stoves!

Delicious Maghreb cuisine without internet, 3 categories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia.
1- Moroccan recipes: Couscous, traditional tagine, gazelle horns, batbout, we love Moroccan gastronomy! Combining Andalusian, Berber and Arab cuisine, it is undoubtedly one of the finest in the Maghreb. Colorful spices, sunny vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants ...) and chicken or lamb meats, it's an oasis of delicacies! Direction the sun of Morocco with our best recipes of these specialties known around the world! Friendly dishes, gourmet desserts and bread rolls, Moroccan cuisine is full of delicious dishes.

2- Algerian recipes: Traditional Algerian dishes are among the most popular exotic and fragrant preparations. In Algeria, recipes for dishes with Arab and Kabyle influences are passed down from generation to generation. This healthy and family cuisine, rich in vegetables from the sun, spices and dried fruits, is a delight for lovers of Mediterranean cuisine rich in flavor and colorful. Royal couscous, harira soup, chakchouka with peppers ... Discover the best Algerian recipes to concoct generous and sunny traditional dishes!

3- Recipes from Tunisia: Two hours from Paris, Tunisia remains a destination synonymous with holidays and relaxation, the perfect alliance of the sea, the desert, gardens, light ... but it is also a land of scents and flavors, sweet desserts and spicy dishes.

Each recipe contains:
* Ingredients
* Instructions
* Cook's note
* Nutritional contributions

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