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Cuisine saine et minceur

100+ downloads

About Cuisine saine et minceur

Healthy cooking and slimming recipes without internet (200 recipes), 8 categories:
1- Eat well
2- Detox recipes
3- Allergies & health
4- Slimming recipes
5- Slimming aperitif
6- Slimming dishes
7- Slimming desserts
8- Slimming salads

Each recipe contains:
* Ingredients
* Instructions
* Cook's note
* Nutritional contributions

Slimming cuisine often comes at the right time, after the excesses of the holiday season or a passing carelessness. Thanks to our slimming recipes, dietetic dishes are yours to find your figure ... while keeping in shape! Because yes, losing weight is also about having fun. With our slimming meal ideas, rediscover the taste of certain vegetables left aside, savor the crunchiness of raw vegetables and sip light soups rich in vitamins and minerals. But not only ! From now on, light recipes are also the preserve of desserts. In short, from the aperitif to the sweet dessert, our diet recipes go with all your slimming menus for the week. Say goodbye to superfluous calories and ... indulge yourself!