Electro icon


Dire Studio
500+ downloads

About Electro

Help Electro restore electricity in a world full of darkness.
Guide him through his journey across 50 levels packed with obstacles and dangerous terrains. Advance through stone, fire and wind and complete your mission.

How to play:

✓ Touch the screen to launch Electro.
✓ Electro's trajectory will be drawn on screen. Red line indicates that Electro can't move in that direction.
✓ White line indicates a valid direction and Electro will launch towards that position.
✓ Land on electric blocks to charge and power them up.
✓ If you land on a charged block, it will overcharge. Jump off before it blows up!
✓ Use the walls to bounce around obstacles.
✓ Avoid burning walls, these will blow Electro up.
✓ Use the wind to fly around obstacles and hit unreachable targets.


★ Restore electricity and power all the electric blocks to complete a level.
★ Tip: Use the angles and the displayed trajectory to your advantage.


In-Game Instructions
Sound effects On/Off.
50 fun and challenging levels.
Have Fun!