Istighfar means asking forgiveness. Istighfar is included in the recitation that is often mentioned in the remembrance of remembering Allah SWT. In the Qur'an it is mentioned about istighfar in the following verse,
"And there is nothing that prevents people of faith, when guidance has come to them, and from asking forgiveness of their Lord, except (a desire among) the arrival of law (of Allah has been passed on) the followers of the former or the arrival azabatas them with a real" (Surat al-Kahf: 55)
Allah as the Substance of the Forgiving gives orders to humans to always ask for forgiveness. Like Allah the Forgiving, he will also give forgiveness to His reward for forgiveness. Whereas if humans never once begged forgiveness to Allah, he was one of those who was arrogant and denied to Allah.
Often istighfar sayings are mentioned when people commit sins. But behind all that, istighfar is certainly not just a saying when committing a sin. Remembering that humans are conscious or unconscious often sin. For this reason, istighfar practice is not only done when you have committed a sin.
To that end, seek forgiveness, not just words, but deeds attitude and sincerity to ask forgiveness of Allah SWT heartfelt.
Also equipped:
Collection of Islamic Speech Texts
Complete Prayer Prayer
Friday sermon material
Hadith About the End Times (2) com.tatacaradoadanniat.hadisttentangakhirzaman
Qur'anic Interpretation Book
The Letter of Joseph Prayer of Exaltation
History of the Wali Songo
Sholawat Sya'ir Pujian
Complete Uyun Qurrotul Subtitled
The Most Mustard Prophet Wirid Practice
And many others
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"And there is nothing that prevents people of faith, when guidance has come to them, and from asking forgiveness of their Lord, except (a desire among) the arrival of law (of Allah has been passed on) the followers of the former or the arrival azabatas them with a real" (Surat al-Kahf: 55)
Allah as the Substance of the Forgiving gives orders to humans to always ask for forgiveness. Like Allah the Forgiving, he will also give forgiveness to His reward for forgiveness. Whereas if humans never once begged forgiveness to Allah, he was one of those who was arrogant and denied to Allah.
Often istighfar sayings are mentioned when people commit sins. But behind all that, istighfar is certainly not just a saying when committing a sin. Remembering that humans are conscious or unconscious often sin. For this reason, istighfar practice is not only done when you have committed a sin.
To that end, seek forgiveness, not just words, but deeds attitude and sincerity to ask forgiveness of Allah SWT heartfelt.
Also equipped:
Collection of Islamic Speech Texts
Complete Prayer Prayer
Friday sermon material
Hadith About the End Times (2) com.tatacaradoadanniat.hadisttentangakhirzaman
Qur'anic Interpretation Book
The Letter of Joseph Prayer of Exaltation
History of the Wali Songo
Sholawat Sya'ir Pujian
Complete Uyun Qurrotul Subtitled
The Most Mustard Prophet Wirid Practice
And many others
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