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Hadits Penyakit Dan Racun Hati

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About Hadits Penyakit Dan Racun Hati

Among the poisons of the liver, which are always mentioned first by the scholars is oral poison. This is due to the amount of disobedience and damage caused by word of mouth. Hearts and feelings can be offended because of verbal. Ear-red gossip can blow quickly because of word of mouth. Terrible slander can be spread because of oral. Misunderstanding occurs because of oral. Conflicts, disputes and even bloodshed occur because of oral.

So vital is this verbal that the Prophet measured the quality of one's faith from his verbal. From Anas bin Malik, the Messenger of Allah said,

    "It is not righteous in one's faith to be right in his heart. And it is not upright in one's heart to be verbally straight. "(Ahmad Ahmad).

In the hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said,

    "Whoever believes in Allah and the End Times, let him say good words or keep quiet." (Bukhari and Muslim).

Abu Hurairah once told us that one day the Prophet was asked about what made most people enter heaven. He said,

    "Taqwa to Allah and good morals." After that the Prophet was asked what most people plunged into hell. He said, "Mouth and genitals." (Narrated by Ahmad and Turmudzi).

From this it is clear to all of us that it turns out our word of mouth determines our destiny in the hereafter. Congratulations and unfortunately we on the day of retribution will be determined by how far we can keep our verbal. Unfortunately, often we are not aware. Often we are negligent with every word that comes out of our mouth. Yet in a hadith narrated by Imam Turmudzi from Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said,

    "Surely someone says a word that he thinks is nothing (innocent) even though that one word will actually derail it for seventy years in hell."

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