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Fiqih Islam Bab Bid'ah Hurafah

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About Fiqih Islam Bab Bid'ah Hurafah

Heresy by devinisi and language;

Definitions In English

Bid'ah literally means to make something without any preceding example. (In Al Mu'jam Al Wasit, 1/91, Majma 'Al Lugoh Al' Arobiyah-Asy Syamilah)

It is, as can be seen in the word of God,

بديع السماوات والأرض

"Originator of the heavens and the earth." (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 117, Al An'am [6]: 101), the intention is to create (create) in which there is no example in the previous.

Also his word,

قل ما كنت بدعا من الرسل

"Say: 'I am not delivering a novelty among the apostles.'" (QS. Al Ahqaf [46]: 9), meant that I was not the Apostle first sent to this world and deliver new (But Tauhid same like predecessor). Lisanul 'Arob, 8/6 -Asy Syamilah
Definitions In Terms

Definition of heresy in terms the most good is the definition put forward by Al Imam Asy Syatibi in Al I'tishom. He said that innovation is:

عبارة عن طريقة في الدين مخترعة تضاهي الشرعية يقصد بالسلوك عليها المبالغة في التعبد لله سبحانه

A term for a religious way in which made-up (without any proposition, pen) that resembles the Shari'ah (Islamic teachings), meant when follow it is to exaggerate in worship to Allah Ta'ala


Applications Fiqh book is a discussion of the heresy of heresy-based OFFLINE, you can still use without an internet connection.

Heresy is a Amalan that diada inventions, or increase in ritual worship practices, which are not exemplified by the Prophet SAW.

"Be careful you against yan case diada inventions, as each new case of heresy. And every kebid'ahan is misguided, and every misguidance place in hell "(HR. Baihaqy, An Nasai)

"Whoever committed a deed (in religion) that no orders from us then the deeds rejected." (HR. Muslim).

Superstition is defined as stories that dazzle the intermingled with the matter lies, or all fiction or fantasy, teachings, taboos, customs, predictions, worship or beliefs that deviate from the teachings of Islam

Superstition is heresy in the field of Aqeedah, the confidence or belief in case something that violates the teachings of Islam. For instance, believe the graves of pious can give blessings, worships or appeal to the spirits (jinn), believes an object, a stick, a dagger, rock, etc. memikiki unseen force that can be relied upon, and so on.

Applications Fiqh Heresy book has a table of contents as follows;
- Muqoddimah
- Religion of Islam has been perfect
- Why heresy need to be discussed?
- What is heresy repertoire?
- 3 condition called heresy
- Law heresy terraced levels
- Is the plane hp and heresy?
- Is the collection of the Qur'an including the bid; ah
- The importance of good intention?
- Kiyai also celebrate the Prophet's birthday
- Read a letter Yaasin
- Adverse effects of heresy

failitas in the application of Islamic Fiqh Hurafah Bid'ah this chapter is as follows;
+. OFFLINE based applications, you can run without an internet connection
+. This application is light, due to the small size of fileny arelatif
+. use the copy and paste facilities
+. falilitas will berambah renewal
+. Free, aka unpaid
+. Easy navigation neatly arranged alphabetically
+. search features, makes it easy to direct
+. Share to friends via social media
+. Translations perkata

Islamic Fiqh application may Heresy Hurafah this chapter can provide benefits for all of us, please give us advice in the development process, please send it via email us at:

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