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Infinity Run

R&F Company
50+ downloads

About Infinity Run

Infinity Run has tons of Updates and specials to help you progress during the game! Enjoy Collecting as many coins as possible to Unlock new Updates!

Infinity Run Highlights:
● Collect Coins during stages and buy various carts with their perks
● Strategic clues and achievements for you to have fun with this Magnificent Game
● Updates: earn extra points if you join enough Asdras and exchange them for Perks that will help your game performance!
● In the achievements You can join the Asdras that can be used for Purchases or Updates
● Count on the help of Update, the more you buy them the more beneficial and challenging the game will become
● Easy to play, Hard to put down
● Lots of levels and challenges to complete.

Sync the game across devices and access all features when connected to the internet.

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Get started today and have real fun playing Infinity Run!

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