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R&F Company
2.5 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Tamagotchi

Break the Holy Egg and a Random Pet will come out
Egg contains 12 Pets
Contains 12 minigames
Store and Decoration System
Ai system for every pet

Needs System

Hunger : Feed it Will make your Bixinho
Win = Hunger + Experience Level + Joy

Hygiene: Cleaning your Bixinho
Win = Hygiene + Health + Experience Level

Fun : Playing MiniGames or Petting Your Face
Win = Experience Level + Fun, Remembering the MiniGames Stay on the Fun Button Just Click It.

Sleep : Closing the Game With Bixinho Awake Will Cause Much Impact
Big in Needs When Playing Again, Whenever You Quit Game
Let Him Sleep This avoids Less impact on Needs.

Qi: Studying your pet
Win = Double Experience Level + More Chances to Get Coins

Health : Isso Nem Sé Fala and the Principal Never leaves this need low
For she and the Life of Seu Bixinho, Let this need Fall he can die.

Level: Each Level Acquired will increase the Level Bar when it is Completed Your Bixinho will Upa in Size, that's right it grows in size itself to greater, the more level completed the greater it will be!

☠ATTENTION Important Needs System☠


They are very important factors for your pet Let it fall he will die!!!

( R&FCOMPANY ) Thank you all >> If you liked and want more improved versions, please rate and comment.
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