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Tamagotchi 2

R&F Company
1,000+ downloads

About Tamagotchi 2

Tamagotchi 2 highlights:

●Tutorial: https://oscriagang.wixsite.com/rfcompany/tamagotchi-2

● Various In-Game Rewards
● Needs Care
● Battle Systems
● Level Up Progress Systems
● Alchemy and Fusion of Rare Stones
● Equipment and Enchantments
● 9 Minigames with some IDLES
● 14 Different Pets
● Edit Your Furniture System
● Shop New + Various Items
● System can place objects where you want
● New XPs System
● Minigames can now be Upgraded
● 5 Different Rooms To Decorate As You Wish
● Missions and Bonuses System
● Gifts are More Rewarding
● Hunger System
● Health System
● Hygiene System
● Fun System
● Qi System
● Sleep System
● Memory Card system to save the game


1: Always save your game inside the pet's house
2: Pets don't die, don't worry if needs drop too much
3: Some objects such as DORMI or ESTUDAR-Qi , it is necessary to double click
4: With Store or Any Tab open, Can be closed with Double Click on Screen Background

Sync the game across devices and access all features when connected to the Internet.

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Official Website: https://oscriagang.wixsite.com/rfcompany

Get started today and have real fun playing Tamagotchi 2!