Edit your photos with your signature and name using our app, you can crop your photos and add text to them with your name or signature via using different fonts. There are many fonts which are included in the app. You can choose custom backgrounds, color backgrounds or simple gradient backgrounds. Customize your text with many fonts, color, gradients etc. The output will be a masterpiece, even a very basic user can use this app and create amazing photos using this app.
You can also add stickers with categories like cool, symbols, feathers etc. and also resize and transform them in a ultimate manner. Happy Focusing.
Download now while it is free.
Easy to use and interactive user-interface using material design
Many background styles and text styles.
One tap to access each function.
Always ready to go editor
Interactive stickers and colors to make your FOCUS awesome.
Save photos directly to your collections.
How to use:
Choose a photo or override that photo with background color or gradient
Enter a text and choose your signature font style
Add colors to your text and resize the text
Add stickers to your new FOCUS.
Save and share to your social networks.
For hugs and bugs kindly rate and leave your comments in the review section. It'll be a great help if you can provide your feedback to make this app even better.
You can also add stickers with categories like cool, symbols, feathers etc. and also resize and transform them in a ultimate manner. Happy Focusing.
Download now while it is free.
Easy to use and interactive user-interface using material design
Many background styles and text styles.
One tap to access each function.
Always ready to go editor
Interactive stickers and colors to make your FOCUS awesome.
Save photos directly to your collections.
How to use:
Choose a photo or override that photo with background color or gradient
Enter a text and choose your signature font style
Add colors to your text and resize the text
Add stickers to your new FOCUS.
Save and share to your social networks.
For hugs and bugs kindly rate and leave your comments in the review section. It'll be a great help if you can provide your feedback to make this app even better.
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