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Pagan Calendar 2023

A. Hadden
100+ downloads

About Pagan Calendar 2023

Pagan Calendar allows anyone to discover and explore Old Norse, Germanic Anglo-Saxon Old English, Wiccan, and Celtic Gaelic celebrated events, months, days, and more!

- Discover Germanic (Old Norse, Old English, etc) & Celtic events (optional)
- Displays Old Norse, Old English, & Celtic months (optional)
- Create and edit unlimited Notes
- Change preference any time
- Dark mode & light mode support
- 100% private & offline
- Add custom events reminders, and notifications with smart repeating support
- Quickly jump to celebrated dates
- Celebrate Blots, Yule, and more with the Calendar
- Can replace your normal Calendar app and be used for day-to-day life
- Receive notifications for celebrated dates or custom reminders etc.
- No ads/in-app purchases
- Minimal background usage
- Updated regularly
- Widgets
- Modern UI and simple to use

Add or join events
Add unlimited amounts of reminders and events, receive notifications the moment your event/reminder starts. You can also discover and join in other official pagan/heathen events! Whether it's Celtic, Heathen, Germanic, or Viking etc, come join in.

Ancient months
The app is made to not just display normal months, but also older months from ancient calendars, for example, if you follow Old Norse Calendar you will see the Thorri month along side February! Or if you follow Old English Calendar you will see Solmonath. Or if you follow Celtic Calendar (Gaelic Calendar) you will see An Gearran.

Pagan Calendar now also supports more ancient calendars:
Old English Calendar
Old Norse Calendar
Old Irish Calendar
Gàidhlig Calendar (Scottish Gaelic Calendar)
Irish Calendar
Manx Calendar
Welsh Calendar
Cornish Calendar
Breton Calendar

And more!
More features and changes are constantly being worked on behind the scenes, feel free to join our Discord community or check us out on Twitter while you wait!

Some of the features are still currently in development, more to be added soon. Pagan Calendar is private, no data or information is collected by the developer(s).