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Runic Keyboard 2023

A. Hadden
50+ downloads

About Runic Keyboard 2023

Runic Keyboard 2023 (RK23) is a new keyboard with Elder and Younger Futhark runes/letters, it also supports language layouts such as English, Icelandic, Old Norse, and more.

Introducing Auto-Translations!
Users can now type in English and Runic Keyboard will automatically translate the letters into Runes as they type! No more rune translator apps or rune keyboard switching, Runic Keyboard will also take into consideration any runic alphabet preferences!

- Auto-Translation (auto translate English letters to Runes)
- Clipboard manager - pin, clear, and quickly copy saved clipboard entries
- Get smart predictions/suggestions as you type
- Elder Futhark keyboard
- Younger Futhark keyboard
- Futhorc keyboard (Old English / Anglo-Saxon runes)
- Old Norse keyboard
- Icelandic keyboard
- Gàidhlig keyboard (Scots Gaelic keyboard)
- English keyboard
- Emojis
- Themes
- Change background
- Change key colour
- Customisation
- Gestures
- Helps write in runic
- Private & offline

Anonymous predictions!
Predictions, also known as suggestions, is now available for selected languages. All predictions are completely anonymous keyboard does not use any sort of history or user data for displaying such suggestions.

Runic Keyboard allows users to change keyboard height, remove number row, change theme, hide/show certain keys, and more. The keyboard is private and safe to use with no internet permissions, it also contains plenty of emojis too! Perfect heathen keyboard for any pagan looking for a rune keyboard!

Long press on any key to view the rune alternative or select the rune button to change to the Elder/Younger Futhark/Futhorc layout. Select the Keyboard Language option in-app to change between layouts such as English, Old Norse (& Old English), etc.

The keyboard is still in early development with more options and features to come, feedback is welcomed.