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Rune Flashcards

A. Hadden
5+ downloads

About Rune Flashcards

Simple and entertaining rune flashcards, test your knowledge of the runes, or use it to test your friend's and family's knowledge.

- Elder Futhark runes & Elder Futhark Flashcards
- Younger Futhark runes & Younger Futhark Flashcards
- Timer mode (optional)
- Change Timer duration
- Swipe gesture - swipe to change card
- Click to reveal - blurs the answer until you or your friend is ready
- Test your knowledge and regularly jog your memory
- No internet permission - fully offline, use it anywhere

How it works
Simply swipe the cards to change runes, when you or your friend is ready to reveal the answer, click on the bottom button to reveal. Optionally, you can click the timer button at the top right to increase the challenge, the app will automatically cycle through runic flashcards while you or your friend answers.

Runic Flashcards is fully offline and is still in development, meaning it will only get better and receive more features. Runes are randomly generated and have no limit, meaning you can practise and test your knowledge with no end.