Foody Delivery is a digital solution, branded NeaLogic, designed to meet the needs of any company that wishes to promote its products online, expanding the range of opportunities offered by the world of the web, through the home delivery service.
A mobile application, for smartphones and tablets, with which you can create a digital showcase of your products that will allow you to activate a personal delivery service, direct and without any intermediation.
Your customers will be able to order / book, directly via smartphone and with simple clicks, any product present in your digital menu, without the need to go on site or to clog your telephone lines.
Your physical store will become the hub of reference for all those who need a good or product directly to their home.
Foody Delivery is a digital tool designed for any business, thanks to which you can cut down any physical distance with your customers and sell your products without limitation.
An app that will allow you to expand your commercial offer, reach new potential customers and increase the profit of your company.
A mobile application, for smartphones and tablets, with which you can create a digital showcase of your products that will allow you to activate a personal delivery service, direct and without any intermediation.
Your customers will be able to order / book, directly via smartphone and with simple clicks, any product present in your digital menu, without the need to go on site or to clog your telephone lines.
Your physical store will become the hub of reference for all those who need a good or product directly to their home.
Foody Delivery is a digital tool designed for any business, thanks to which you can cut down any physical distance with your customers and sell your products without limitation.
An app that will allow you to expand your commercial offer, reach new potential customers and increase the profit of your company.
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