Frisco Delivery is a Sicilian company present in several sectors, belonging to the Pierre Group, the initiative was born to guarantee an excellent quality service at the lowest cost, distributing McDonald's Italia products, initially starting from a province of Palermo, specifically Cute. Expanding is one of our top priorities. Satisfying you is the first.
Register directly from the app or log in with Facebook or Apple, registration is totally free.
In a few simple clicks you can order your favorite products and receive them directly to your home.
You can order / book any item / service in the digital catalog with just a few clicks, without the need to go to the site or clog up your telephone lines.
You will pay directly on delivery.
Register directly from the app or log in with Facebook or Apple, registration is totally free.
In a few simple clicks you can order your favorite products and receive them directly to your home.
You can order / book any item / service in the digital catalog with just a few clicks, without the need to go to the site or clog up your telephone lines.
You will pay directly on delivery.
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