Bse / Electrical school digital school book is a book about the study of the properties of electrical energy and its characteristics that are applied in people's lives. Electrical engineering is a branch of physics. Studying electrical engineering certainly requires perseverance and diligently reading bse / digital reference school books about electricity.
Many of the digital school books / books that are sold today are of a different quality from the books of the past. Books today offer more instant ways, namely bse / digital school books in understanding electricity. It is different from ancient books which have a continuous and deep explanation so that the reader becomes more insightful.
Below is a bse / digital school book containing material about electrical engineering from basic to advanced, Indonesian and English. The material for bse / digital school books described in this application is presented in a detailed and detailed manner, thereby increasing the reader's insight. This e-book is in the Android Application format. To install this application please click on the link listed below.
This Application Contains About basic Electrical subjects, Comprehension and basic core of Electrical subjects.
Main Discussions of this Application include:
Job Prospects of the Department of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electric Power Generation System
Basic Electric Power Engineering
Basic Power Electronics
Definition of Electrical Terms
Electricity Frequency Phenomenon
3 Phase System
Electric Power Distribution System
Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Law
Diode Characteristics
Types and Uses of Diodes
Characteristics and Ways of Transistors
Transistors as Amplifiers
The superposition theorem
Alternating Current Circuits
Ac and DC transients
RLC circuit
Understanding IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Application
Types of Electronic Components
How to Calculate Resistor Values
Transistor function and how to measure it
Understanding Speaker and its working principle
Magnitude and Electricity / Electronics Unit
Ohm's Law Formula and Sound
- Complete Discussion
- can be run Offline (Without Internet Access)
- Responsive (adjusts the screen)
Many of the digital school books / books that are sold today are of a different quality from the books of the past. Books today offer more instant ways, namely bse / digital school books in understanding electricity. It is different from ancient books which have a continuous and deep explanation so that the reader becomes more insightful.
Below is a bse / digital school book containing material about electrical engineering from basic to advanced, Indonesian and English. The material for bse / digital school books described in this application is presented in a detailed and detailed manner, thereby increasing the reader's insight. This e-book is in the Android Application format. To install this application please click on the link listed below.
This Application Contains About basic Electrical subjects, Comprehension and basic core of Electrical subjects.
Main Discussions of this Application include:
Job Prospects of the Department of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electric Power Generation System
Basic Electric Power Engineering
Basic Power Electronics
Definition of Electrical Terms
Electricity Frequency Phenomenon
3 Phase System
Electric Power Distribution System
Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Law
Diode Characteristics
Types and Uses of Diodes
Characteristics and Ways of Transistors
Transistors as Amplifiers
The superposition theorem
Alternating Current Circuits
Ac and DC transients
RLC circuit
Understanding IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Application
Types of Electronic Components
How to Calculate Resistor Values
Transistor function and how to measure it
Understanding Speaker and its working principle
Magnitude and Electricity / Electronics Unit
Ohm's Law Formula and Sound
- Complete Discussion
- can be run Offline (Without Internet Access)
- Responsive (adjusts the screen)
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