Rumus Matematika SD / MI icon

Rumus Matematika SD / MI

Media Sekolah APPs
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About Rumus Matematika SD / MI

This Elementary Mathematics Formula Application Is a collection of elementary school mathematical formulas that help students in making it easy to memorize mathematical formula formulas and is equipped with elementary math problems. Elementary Mathematical Formulas

This complete mathematical formula application or Elementary Mathematics Formula is easy to use, it doesn't require an internet connection to run this application. Equipped with a search feature to make it easier to find the formula you want to learn. Elementary Mathematical Formulas

Collection of elementary level mathematical formulas
- statistics
- Arithmetic
- number
- The set
- Measurement and Unit
- Geometry
- Properties of Calculate Operations
- Cartesian coordinates
- Multiplication and Division of Fractions
- Symbol of Decimal Numbers
- Symmetry and Reflection
- Comparison and Scale
- Speed ​​and Discharge
- opportunity
Hope it helps in learning Mathematical formulas.

- Complete Discussion
- can be run Offline (Without Internet Access)
- Responsive (adjusts the screen)

Rumus Matematika SD / MI Screenshots