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Kamus Indonesia Inggris Indone

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About Kamus Indonesia Inggris Indone

Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary. A dictionary is a kind of reference book that explains the meaning of words. It serves to help someone get to know new words. In addition to explaining the meaning of words, the dictionary may also have guidelines for the designation, origin (etymology) of a word and also an example of the use of a word. To clarify sometimes there are also illustrations in the dictionary. Usually this is in a French dictionary. Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary.

Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary. The dictionary word is absorbed from the Arabic qamus, with the plural form qawamis. The Arabic word itself comes from the Greek word Ωκεανός (okeanos) which means 'ocean'. The history of the word clearly shows the basic meaning contained in the word dictionary, which is a container of knowledge, especially knowledge of language, which is infinite in depth and breadth. Today the dictionary is a treasure trove which contains a vocabulary of a language, which is ideally not limited in number. Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary.

Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary. Complete Dictionary of Indonesian - English and English - Indonesian which can be opened offline

Complete English - Indonesian Dictionary

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