Organic chemistry is the branching of scientific studies of chemistry regarding the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and synthesis of organic compounds. Organic compounds are built mainly by carbon and hydrogen, and can contain other elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, halogens and sulfur.
This original definition of organic chemistry stems from the misconception that all organic compounds must come from living organisms, but it has been proven that there are some exceptions. In fact, life is also very dependent on inorganic chemistry; for example, many enzymes that base their work on transition metals such as iron and copper, as well as teeth and bones whose composition is a mixture of organic and inorganic senyama. Another example is the HCl solution, this solution plays a major role in the digestion process of food that almost all organisms (especially high organisms) use HCl solution to digest food, which is also classified in inorganic compounds. Regarding the element carbon, inorganic chemistry is usually associated with simple carbon compounds that do not contain bonds between carbon such as oxides, salts, acids, carbides, and minerals. But this does not mean that there is no single carbon compound in organic compounds such as methane and their derivatives.
If you are interested in Organic Chemistry, this application will help you. Like mathematics, physics, biology, computer science, geology, ... organic chemistry is a science and is based on chemical experiments. Just like chemistry, mathematics and biochemistry, organic chemistry requires a lot of practice and study. In this application you will find what is organic chemistry, important concepts of organic chemistry and some chemistry lessons. Make sure you will learn many things from the application. Please share with your friends if you like.
Hope it helps in learning it.
This original definition of organic chemistry stems from the misconception that all organic compounds must come from living organisms, but it has been proven that there are some exceptions. In fact, life is also very dependent on inorganic chemistry; for example, many enzymes that base their work on transition metals such as iron and copper, as well as teeth and bones whose composition is a mixture of organic and inorganic senyama. Another example is the HCl solution, this solution plays a major role in the digestion process of food that almost all organisms (especially high organisms) use HCl solution to digest food, which is also classified in inorganic compounds. Regarding the element carbon, inorganic chemistry is usually associated with simple carbon compounds that do not contain bonds between carbon such as oxides, salts, acids, carbides, and minerals. But this does not mean that there is no single carbon compound in organic compounds such as methane and their derivatives.
If you are interested in Organic Chemistry, this application will help you. Like mathematics, physics, biology, computer science, geology, ... organic chemistry is a science and is based on chemical experiments. Just like chemistry, mathematics and biochemistry, organic chemistry requires a lot of practice and study. In this application you will find what is organic chemistry, important concepts of organic chemistry and some chemistry lessons. Make sure you will learn many things from the application. Please share with your friends if you like.
Hope it helps in learning it.
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