Complete application for you to register, manage, search, consult and monitor your lawsuits. Among the main features, we highlight:
✅ Registration and Management of Legal Proceedings;
Processo Consultation Process in State Courts of Justice;
✅ Procedural Consultation in Federal Courts;
✅ Consultation of Proceedings in Superior Courts;
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🟤 FTS;
🟤 STJ;
🟤 STM;
🟤 TST;
🟤 TSE;
🟤> TRF of the 1st Region (Covers the states: AC, AM, AP, BA, DF, GO, MA, MG, MT, PA, PI, RO, RR);
🟤> 2nd Region TRF (Covers the states: ES, RJ);
🟤> 3rd Region TRF (Covers the states: MS, SP);
🟤> TRF of the 4th Region (Covers the states: PR, RS, SC);
🟤> TRF of the 5th Region (Covers the states: AL, CE, PB, PE, RN, SE);
🟤> Court of Justice of Acre (TJAC);
🟤> Court of Justice of Alagoas (TJAL);
🟤> Amapá Court of Justice (TJAP);
🟤> Amazonas Court of Justice (TJAM);
🟤> Court of Justice of Bahia (TJBA);
🟤> Ceará Court of Justice (TJCE);
🟤> Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT);
🟤> Court of Justice of Espírito Santo (TJES);
🟤> Goiás Court of Justice (TJGO);
🟤> Maranhão Court of Justice (TJMA);
🟤> Court of Justice of Mato Grosso (TJMT);
🟤> Court of Justice of Mato Grosso do Sul (TJMS);
🟤> Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG);
🟤> Pará Court of Justice (TJPA);
🟤> Paraíba Court of Justice (TJPB);
🟤> Paraná Court of Justice (TJPR);
🟤> Court of Justice of Pernambuco (TJPE);
🟤> Piauí Court of Justice (TJPI);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Norte (TJRN);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS);
🟤> Rondônia Court of Justice (TJRO);
🟤> Court of Justice of Roraima (TJRR);
🟤> Santa Catarina Court of Justice (TJSC);
🟤> São Paulo Court of Justice (TJSP);
🟤> Court of Justice of Sergipe (TJSE);
🟤> Tocantins Court of Justice (TJTO);
The Judiciary of Brazil is the grouping of public bodies with which the Brazilian constitutional attribution of the jurisdictional function occurs. It consists of five bodies, namely: STF, STJ, federal regional courts and federal judges, military courts and judges, and courts and judges of states, the federal district and territories.
Thus, the STF as well as the higher courts - as well as the Superior Labor Court (TST), the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and the Superior Military Court (STM) - are based in Brasilia, the country's capital, and have jurisdiction over the whole of Brazil. 11 ministers form the STF, whose main competence is to keep the constitution. 33 ministers form at least the STJ. 27 Ministers form the TST, which is responsible for judging labor matters. 7 form the TSE, competent to judge electoral matters. And the STM, which is composed of 15 ministers.
The body that exercises the state judiciary is the Court of Justice, in addition to the counties that comprise a small number of municipalities, in addition to the host municipality, itself, since no city has an independent judiciary. According to the federal and state constitutions, only the Federal Government and the federal units must have the Judiciary.
✅ Registration and Management of Legal Proceedings;
Processo Consultation Process in State Courts of Justice;
✅ Procedural Consultation in Federal Courts;
✅ Consultation of Proceedings in Superior Courts;
Don't forget to Rate our App ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 👍👍 We are also open to suggestions for improvements and criticisms. Leave your comment for us to improve even more.
🟤 FTS;
🟤 STJ;
🟤 STM;
🟤 TST;
🟤 TSE;
🟤> TRF of the 1st Region (Covers the states: AC, AM, AP, BA, DF, GO, MA, MG, MT, PA, PI, RO, RR);
🟤> 2nd Region TRF (Covers the states: ES, RJ);
🟤> 3rd Region TRF (Covers the states: MS, SP);
🟤> TRF of the 4th Region (Covers the states: PR, RS, SC);
🟤> TRF of the 5th Region (Covers the states: AL, CE, PB, PE, RN, SE);
🟤> Court of Justice of Acre (TJAC);
🟤> Court of Justice of Alagoas (TJAL);
🟤> Amapá Court of Justice (TJAP);
🟤> Amazonas Court of Justice (TJAM);
🟤> Court of Justice of Bahia (TJBA);
🟤> Ceará Court of Justice (TJCE);
🟤> Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT);
🟤> Court of Justice of Espírito Santo (TJES);
🟤> Goiás Court of Justice (TJGO);
🟤> Maranhão Court of Justice (TJMA);
🟤> Court of Justice of Mato Grosso (TJMT);
🟤> Court of Justice of Mato Grosso do Sul (TJMS);
🟤> Court of Justice of Minas Gerais (TJMG);
🟤> Pará Court of Justice (TJPA);
🟤> Paraíba Court of Justice (TJPB);
🟤> Paraná Court of Justice (TJPR);
🟤> Court of Justice of Pernambuco (TJPE);
🟤> Piauí Court of Justice (TJPI);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Norte (TJRN);
🟤> Court of Justice of Rio Grande do Sul (TJRS);
🟤> Rondônia Court of Justice (TJRO);
🟤> Court of Justice of Roraima (TJRR);
🟤> Santa Catarina Court of Justice (TJSC);
🟤> São Paulo Court of Justice (TJSP);
🟤> Court of Justice of Sergipe (TJSE);
🟤> Tocantins Court of Justice (TJTO);
The Judiciary of Brazil is the grouping of public bodies with which the Brazilian constitutional attribution of the jurisdictional function occurs. It consists of five bodies, namely: STF, STJ, federal regional courts and federal judges, military courts and judges, and courts and judges of states, the federal district and territories.
Thus, the STF as well as the higher courts - as well as the Superior Labor Court (TST), the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and the Superior Military Court (STM) - are based in Brasilia, the country's capital, and have jurisdiction over the whole of Brazil. 11 ministers form the STF, whose main competence is to keep the constitution. 33 ministers form at least the STJ. 27 Ministers form the TST, which is responsible for judging labor matters. 7 form the TSE, competent to judge electoral matters. And the STM, which is composed of 15 ministers.
The body that exercises the state judiciary is the Court of Justice, in addition to the counties that comprise a small number of municipalities, in addition to the host municipality, itself, since no city has an independent judiciary. According to the federal and state constitutions, only the Federal Government and the federal units must have the Judiciary.
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