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Consulta CPF: Score, Nome Sujo

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About Consulta CPF: Score, Nome Sujo

We created this application to simplify and facilitate queries related to CPF and Credit Score. Among the main features, we highlight:

✅ Quick CPF Consultation;
✅ View proof of CPF;
✅ Consult Score Free by CPF via Serasa and others;
✅ Debt Consultation and Clean Name (Dirty Name);
✅ Consult IRRF refund;
✅ Consult Title Status;

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The Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) is the register maintained by the Federal Revenue of Brazil in which any natural person, regardless of age or nationality, including deceased persons, can register only once. Each registrant is uniquely identified by an 11-digit CPF registration number.

The CPF query aims to identify the status of the Individual Taxpayer Registration. This type of query is carried out on the official website of the Federal Revenue and aims to verify whether the CPF holder is in a Regular situation or if somehow his CPF has pending issues related to the Federal Revenue, such as the absence of a Tax Declaration of Income.

Until June 2011, the Federal Revenue issued the CPF card, in plastic format, without a photo, for the purposes of proof of enrollment in the CPF. According to current legislation, proof of enrollment in the CPF can be done by mentioning the CPF number in the identity documents, in the national driver's license, in the birth certificate, in the employment card, in the professional identity card, in the professionals issued by public bodies.

In addition, the "Proof of Enrollment in the CPF" printed from the RFB website, issued by a partner entity or accessed through the "APP Individual Person" application and the CPF card are also valid, provided they are accompanied by the holder's identification document.

Individuals who:
✔️ reside in Brazil and are part of the passive pole of the main or ancillary tax relationship, either as a taxpayer or person in charge, as well as their legal representatives;
✔️ practice real estate operations of any kind in Brazil;
✔️ have bank, savings or investment accounts in Brazil, or operate in the financial market in the country;
✔️ operate in the financial market in Brazil;
✔️ possess, in Brazil, goods and rights subject to public registration or specific registration, including real estate, vehicles, vessels, aircraft;
✔️ being over 14 years old, listed as dependents on the IRPF Declaration;
✔️ required by public administration bodies or entities.

The CPF may assume the following registration situations:
✅ Regular, when there is no cadastral inconsistency and no DIRPF is omitted;
✅ Pending regularization, when DIRPF is omitted;
✅ Suspended, when there is cadastral inconsistency;
✅ Canceled by multiplicity, when there is more than one registration in the CPF for the same person;
✅ Canceled by death without estate;
✅ Canceled due to estate closure; or
✅ Null, in cases where fraud is found.

On some internet sites, including the Federal Revenue website itself, it is possible to request your registration status, check if everything is correct or even regularize your registration. In other cases, it is possible to consult your situation with credit protection bodies, which make CPFs of debtors unfit.

- Disclaimer and Data Source: This is a private app whose information about CPFs is obtained through queries in private databases, some features may make use of public and open data ( );
- Although this app makes use of government-related information, it does not represent any government entity.

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