We created this application to simplify and consolidate consultation sites related to the CNPJ Card. Among the main features, we highlight:
✅ Quick CNPJ Consultation;
✅ View Official Cnpj Card Issued by Federal Revenue;
✅ Consult Simple Nacional option - MEI, ME or EPP;
✅ SINTEGRA Consultation - State Enrollment of All UFs;
✅ Consult and Validate Labor Debt Certificate;
✅ Issue and Consultation of CND of Federal Tributes - RFB;
✅ Company Regularity Consultation with FGTS;
✅ Consultation with the Centralized Register of Taxpayers;
✅ Company Search on Google Maps;
✅ Search and Download Business Lists;
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We are also open to suggestions for improvements and criticism. Leave your comment for us to improve even more.
In Brazil, the Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (acronym: CNPJ) is a unique number that identifies a legal entity and other types of legal arrangement (such as condominiums, public bodies, investment funds) with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil - RFB.
The CNPJ comprises the registration information of entities of interest to the tax administrations of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities. The cnpj is an evolution of the former General Taxpayer Registry - CGC.
The Register works as an identity and in it are informed:
✔️ Opening date;
✔️ Company name;
✔️ Title or fantasy name;
✔️ Code and description of main and secondary economic activity;
✔️ Code and description of the legal nature;
✔️ Address;
✔️ Email and Phone
✔️ Cadastral situation.
Registration with the CNPJ is carried out at the establishments, which receive the same basic identification number as the respective matrix, complemented by a specific identifier for each establishment.
In the CNPJ, each establishment contains several attributes: registration number, business name, corporate composition, address, opening date, legal nature, headquarters or branch code, domicile, tax jurisdiction, main and secondary economic activities, registration status, responsible before the CNPJ, etc.
The registration situations, before the CNPJ, fall into:
✅ ACTIVE - The entity and/or establishment will be classified, in the RFB, as ACTIVE when they do not fit into any other registration situation;
✅ INAPT - Enrollment in the entity's CNPJ will be declared ineligible when:
a) omission: one that, although obliged, has failed to present, for two consecutive fiscal years, statements; b) not located: one that has not been located at the address informed in the CNPJ; c) irregularity in foreign trade operations.
✅ SUSPENDED - Registration will be classified as SUSPENDED when the company: a) requests to withdraw from registration, this request being under review or having been rejected; b) is in the process of declaring unfitness due to irregularities; c) temporarily interrupt its activities; d) show evidence of fraudulent filing by a partner or holder;
✅ DOWNLOADED - Registration with the CNPJ whose request for a drop-off is granted or in the event of a formal drop-off will be included in the Baixada situation.
✅ NULL - Registration will be classified as null when registration with the CNPJ is declared as such for various reasons.
- Disclaimer and Data Source: This is a private app whose information is obtained through queries in private databases, some features may make use of public and open data (https://dados.gov.br/);
- Although this app makes use of government-related information, it does not represent any government entity.
✅ Quick CNPJ Consultation;
✅ View Official Cnpj Card Issued by Federal Revenue;
✅ Consult Simple Nacional option - MEI, ME or EPP;
✅ SINTEGRA Consultation - State Enrollment of All UFs;
✅ Consult and Validate Labor Debt Certificate;
✅ Issue and Consultation of CND of Federal Tributes - RFB;
✅ Company Regularity Consultation with FGTS;
✅ Consultation with the Centralized Register of Taxpayers;
✅ Company Search on Google Maps;
✅ Search and Download Business Lists;
Don't Forget to Rate our App ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 👍👍
We are also open to suggestions for improvements and criticism. Leave your comment for us to improve even more.
In Brazil, the Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (acronym: CNPJ) is a unique number that identifies a legal entity and other types of legal arrangement (such as condominiums, public bodies, investment funds) with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil - RFB.
The CNPJ comprises the registration information of entities of interest to the tax administrations of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities. The cnpj is an evolution of the former General Taxpayer Registry - CGC.
The Register works as an identity and in it are informed:
✔️ Opening date;
✔️ Company name;
✔️ Title or fantasy name;
✔️ Code and description of main and secondary economic activity;
✔️ Code and description of the legal nature;
✔️ Address;
✔️ Email and Phone
✔️ Cadastral situation.
Registration with the CNPJ is carried out at the establishments, which receive the same basic identification number as the respective matrix, complemented by a specific identifier for each establishment.
In the CNPJ, each establishment contains several attributes: registration number, business name, corporate composition, address, opening date, legal nature, headquarters or branch code, domicile, tax jurisdiction, main and secondary economic activities, registration status, responsible before the CNPJ, etc.
The registration situations, before the CNPJ, fall into:
✅ ACTIVE - The entity and/or establishment will be classified, in the RFB, as ACTIVE when they do not fit into any other registration situation;
✅ INAPT - Enrollment in the entity's CNPJ will be declared ineligible when:
a) omission: one that, although obliged, has failed to present, for two consecutive fiscal years, statements; b) not located: one that has not been located at the address informed in the CNPJ; c) irregularity in foreign trade operations.
✅ SUSPENDED - Registration will be classified as SUSPENDED when the company: a) requests to withdraw from registration, this request being under review or having been rejected; b) is in the process of declaring unfitness due to irregularities; c) temporarily interrupt its activities; d) show evidence of fraudulent filing by a partner or holder;
✅ DOWNLOADED - Registration with the CNPJ whose request for a drop-off is granted or in the event of a formal drop-off will be included in the Baixada situation.
✅ NULL - Registration will be classified as null when registration with the CNPJ is declared as such for various reasons.
- Disclaimer and Data Source: This is a private app whose information is obtained through queries in private databases, some features may make use of public and open data (https://dados.gov.br/);
- Although this app makes use of government-related information, it does not represent any government entity.
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