Sometimes Allah examines His servants with gifts. Karunia will be the cause of glory for those who pass the test, namely when Allah adds wealth, rank, knowledge, health etc. to a servant he will get closer to Allah marked with increasing worship and reduced immorality. And if with the gift of a servant getting lazy to worship or the desire to engage in mutilation also increases, then it is a sign that the gift is a calamity and a cause of humiliation.
"If you want to pray, while the time is so narrow, even though your chest is filled with a variety of needs (hajat), then make all your prayers a request for forgiveness to Allah (istighfar). Because, if He forgives you, then all your purposes will be fulfilled by Him without you asking for it. "
"If you want to pray, while the time is so narrow, even though your chest is filled with a variety of needs (hajat), then make all your prayers a request for forgiveness to Allah (istighfar). Because, if He forgives you, then all your purposes will be fulfilled by Him without you asking for it. "
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