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About Capriteca

The Capriteca application was developed by Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos through the Term of Decentralized Execution project (TED nº 118/2020) in partnership with the Secretariat of Land Governance, Territorial and Socio-environmental Development, of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture (MDA) , co-financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), under the Dom Helder Câmara Project (PDHC).
Capriteca proposes to offer an easy-to-access interface for farmers, especially those with restricted access to the Internet in rural communities, as well as establishing itself as a useful digital tool for technicians and rural extension workers, public policy makers and managers. and other agents working in technical assistance and rural extension, to the portfolio of technological solutions developed by Embrapa for goat and sheep farming in the country.
At Capriteca, the user will be able to access contents of technical recommendations in digital formats (PDF documents), radio programs and podcasts (Prosa Rural) and content in videos (Embrapa channel on Youtube). The purpose of the tool is to support the Digital Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER Digital) policy and contribute to its implementation by the competent government bodies, at the municipal, state and federal levels, as well as by civil society organizations of public interest and all the other agents of public and private initiative that work in the development of goat and sheep farming in the country.