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About Kumpulan Doa Al-Quran & Hadits

Benediction is asking or pleading wholeheartedly.

Meanwhile, according to the terms syar'i, prayer means a request slave to Allah Ta'ala wholeheartedly. And defined also by purification, worship and semisalnya.

(See the book syuruthu mawani'u ad-du'a wa al-approval, the work of Shaykh Sa'id ibn Ali Al-Qohthoni, p. 5)

Prayer has the virtue and benefits are countless, his position as a form of worship is a proof of its primacy.

Here we will mention some of the virtues of praying to God. Among them are as follows:

1. Prayer is worship itself.

It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:

الدعاء هو العبادة

"Prayer is worship."

(HR. Abu Dawud I / 466 no.1479, Tirmizi V / 374 no.3247, Ibn Majah II / 1258 no.3828 and Ahmad IV / 267 no.18378, and An-Nu'man ibn Bashir anhu. And classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani)

Leaving prayer is a form of boasting of worshiping Allah, as Allah the Exalted says:

وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم إن الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي سيدخلون جهنم داخرين (60)

"And the Lord said," Pray to Me, will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan you. Indeed, those who boast of worship Me will enter Hell in a state of abject ".

(QS. Al-Mu'min / Ghafir: 60)

2. Prayer that showed his trust in Allah Ta'ala.

That's because people who prayed for me in condition to Him for help, to hand over to him not only to those besides Him. As prayer is a form of obedience to God and the fulfillment of His will command. Allah the Exalted says:

وقال ربكم ادعوني أستجب لكم

"And the Lord said," Pray to Me, will undoubtedly Kuperkenankan you ".

(QS. Al-Mu'min / Ghafir: 60)

3. Prayer is also a powerful weapon that used a Muslim in the search for goodness and reject danger and ugliness.

It is based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam:

من فتح له منكم باب الدعاء فتحت له أبواب الرحمة وما سئل الله شيئا يعنى أحب إليه من أن يسأل العافية ».

"Whoever of you have opened for him the doors of prayer, definitely opened the door for him anyway mercy, and not God asked him enjoy something more than the requested health (or safety)."

وقال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- «إن الدعاء ينفع مما نزل ومما لم ينزل فعليكم عباد الله بالدعاء»

And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Verily prayer is beneficial both to what has happened or not happened, then let you pray."

(HR. At-Tirmidhi V / 552 no.3548, from Ibn Umar radi anhuma. Dihasankan by Shaykh al-Albani)

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